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Now showing items 3301-3320 of 3404
Ubadili Maana katika Leksia za Kîîtharaka: Mtazamo wa Kifonolojia na Kimofolojia
(2022)Makala haya yanalenga kubainisha jinsi ubadili katika vitamkwa na mofu unavyoathiri maana ya leksia katika Kîîtharaka. Maana katika leksia hutegemea kipengele cha kiisimu na vile vile kile cha kijamii ili ieleweke vilivyo. ... -
Ubainishaji wa vigezo vya Utoaji Wa Toponemia katika Jamii: Mfano kutoka Jimbo Dogo la Maara nchini Kenya
(2022)Utafiti huu wa kionomastiki ulilenga kuchanganua vigezo vya utoaji wa toponemia za shule za msingi katika jamii. Utafiti ulifanyika katika eneo la Mwimbi na Muthambi, jimboni dogo la Maara kwenye Kaunti ya Tharaka-Nithi, ... -
Ubandikaji Majina na Majumlishi Memeto kama Mikakati ya Propaganda Katika Mdahalo wa Urais wa Kenya 2013
(2018-12)Wanasiasa hutumia mbinu anuai kuelekeza uelewa wa suala la kisiasa; mikakati ya propaganda haswa ndiyo hutumika zaidi katika kampeni za kisiasa miongoni mwa wanadamu wote ulimwenguni. Shida kubwa ni kama jamii ya kistarabu ... -
Uhusiano wa Kifahiwa katika Leksia za Kîîtharaka: Mtazamo wa Leksika Pragmatiki
(2022)Makala haya yanalenga kubainisha jinsi fahiwa zinavyohusiana katika leksia za Kîîtharaka kwa kuzingatia mtazamo wa leksika pragmatiki.Ubadili maana katika leksia mbalimbali husababisha kutokea uhusiano wa kifahiwa ... -
Umbuji wa Wahusika katika Ushairi wa Kiswahili: Mifano Kutoka kwa Diwani ya Jicho la Ndani (S.A. Mohamed, 2002).
(2019-06)Suala la utunzi na uhakiki wa mashairi ya Kiswahili limejadiliwa kwa muda mrefu na washairi na wataalamu mbalimbali. Mjadala huu umejikita katika dhana na maana ya shairi la Kiswahili na iwapo lihakikiwe kwa kuzingatia kaida ... -
Uncovering disease determinants of Covid-19 through analysis of its molecular evolution
(African Science Publications, 2020-07-09)Covid-19 was first reported in Wuhan China but has now spread globally with overwhelming impacts on human health and health systems. The disease is caused by the SARs-Cov-2 which is related to the SARs-Cov-1 that causes ... -
Uncovering disease determinants of Covid-19 through analysis of its molecular evolution
(African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2020-07)Covid-19 was first reported in Wuhan China but has now spread globally with overwhelming impacts on human health and health systems. The disease is caused by the SARs-Cov-2 which is related to the SARs-Cov-1 that causes ... -
Uncovering disease determinants of Covid-19 through analysis of its molecular evolution
(2020-07)Covid-19 was first reported in Wuhan China but has now spread globally with overwhelming impacts on human health and health systems. The disease is caused by the SARs-Cov-2 which is related to the SARs-Cov-1 that causes ... -
Uncovering the tracks of a recent and rapid invasion: the case of the fruit fly pest Bactrocera invadens in Africa.
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2009-09-10)Phytophagous insects of the genus Bactrocera are among the most economically important invasive fruit fly pests. In 2003, an unknown Bactrocera species was found in Kenya. First identified as an ‘aberrant form’ of the ... -
Understanding Cultural Difference Management through Charles Taylor’s Philosophy: Case Studies from the Food Processing Industry
(MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2015-04)In this paper, we use the work of the philosopher, Charles Taylor, to investigate the role of culture on internationalization decisions. Using parameters related to key constructs such as positive liberty, social ontology, ... -
A uniform circular array of isotropic sensors that stochastically dislocate in three dimensions—The hybrid Cramer-Rao bound of direction-of-arrival estimation
(Acoustical Society of America, 2019-07)An array’s constituent sensors could be spatially dislocated from their nominal positions. This paper investigates how such sensor dislocation would degrade a uniform circular array (UCA) of isotropic sensors (like ... -
A uniform circular array of isotropic sensors that stochastically dislocate in three dimensions—The hybrid Cramér-Rao bound of direction-of-arrival estimation
(2019-07)An array’s constituent sensors could be spatially dislocated from their nominal positions. This paper investigates how such sensor dislocation would degrade a uniform circular array (UCA) of isotropic sensors (like ... -
Uniqueness of moving boundary for a heat conduction problem with nonlinear interface conditions
(Elsevier, 2010-01)In this paper, based on the maximum principle and the unique continuation theorem, we present a uniqueness result for a moving boundary of a heat problem in a multilayer medium with nonlinear interface conditions. -
Uniticket: A Third Party Universal E-Ticket System Based on Mobile Phone
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2011-07)Prepaid energy meters have been widely adopted by utilities in different countries across the world as an innovative solution to the problem of affordability and consumption management. However, the present smart card based ... -
Universal Health Coverage
(2020-09)Universal Health Coverage has attracted global attention as an ideal vehicle that will drive health care services to the individuals, families, and communities globally. Good health systems are capable of serving the ... -
University of Embu 1st Graduation Booklet
(UoEm, 2016-09)1st Graduation Ceremony of Embu University College (A Constituent College of the University of Nairobi) at the Congregation of the University of Nairobi for the Conferment of Degrees and Award of Diplomas and Certificate ... -
University of Embu 5th Graduation Booklet
(University of Embu, 2020-12-11)The 5th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees and Award of Diplomas and Certificates Friday, December 11th 2020 University of Embu Graduation Pavilion -
University of Embu and Kenya Association of Women in Tourism MoU Signing
(University of Embu, 2019-10-08)Photos taken during the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing between University of Embu (UoEm) and Kenya Association of Women in Tourism (KAWT) on 8th October, 2019 at the University of Embu. -
University of Embu and St. Joseph Kavutiri MoU Signing
(University of Embu, 2019-10-08)Photos taken during the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing between University of Embu (UoEm) and St. Joseph Kavutiri on 8th October, 2019 at the University of Embu. -
Untangling the Complex Training and Qualifications System in Kenya
(2018)A national qualification framework (NQF) is an instrument used to classify a country’s qualifications at different levels. Each level is defined by a set of learning outcomes expected at that level. NQFs are an extremely ...