Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2296-2315 of 3409
Nanomaterials for Drugs Delivery
(Scientific Research, 2014-07) -
Nanoscale Stiffness Distribution in Bone Metastasis
(Scientific Research, 2015-12)Nanomechanical heterogeneity is expected to have an effect on elasticity, injury and bone remodelling. In normal bone, we have two types of cells (osteoclasts and osteoblasts) working together to maintain existing bone. ... -
Natural Bond Orbital Analysis of [Fe(H2O)6]2+/3+ and [Zn(H2O)6 ]H2On2+; N=0-4
(2016-09)Nature of delocalization of the electrons from the ligands to metals in the first coordination sphere of the highspin complexes [Fe(H2O)6]2+/3+ and [Zn(H2O)6]2+ are computationally studied using density functional theory. ... -
The Need for a Family Policy That Fosters Family as an Institution
(Scientific Research, 2015-01)The 20th anniversary of the international year of the family has led to the General Assembly of the United Nations to ask for a review of family policies adopted by each country to achieve three objectives: eradication ... -
The Negative Effect of Brand Attachment: How Attachment Styles Help Explain Anti-Brand Behavior
(Scientific Research, 2017-01)Enterprises tend to attach importance to consumer brand relationship in the marketing context, especially the establishment and culture of attachment relationship, and they try to maintain brand loyalty through consumers’ ... -
Nematode assemblages, food web indices and metabolic footprints in maize-pigeon pea agro-ecosystems
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022-08-02)Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) are important food crops in developing countries due to their multiple benefits. However, their production is constrained by plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) which ... -
Nematode assemblages, food web indices and metabolic footprints in maize-pigeon pea agro-ecosystems.
(Elsevier, 2022-08)Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) are important food crops in developing countries due to their multiple benefits. However, their production is constrained by plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) which ... -
Nematode diversity and its association with soil properties in monocrop pigeon pea
(Elsevier, 2022-08)Pigeon pea is a versatile pulse crop grown in semi-arid regions of Kenya; however, its production is affected by plant-parasitic nematodes. The current study was undertaken to investigate the diversity of nematodes and ... -
Nematode diversity and its association with soil properties in monocrop pigeon pea
(Elsevier Ltd, 202-07-03)Pigeon pea is a versatile pulse crop grown in semi-arid regions of Kenya; however, its production is affected by plant-parasitic nematodes. The current study was undertaken to investigate the diversity of nematodes and ... -
Nematode diversity in soil from a field trial with decomposing Bt cotton expressing Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 protein
(2013)The quality of decomposing plant materials may affect the soil community structure. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of decomposing Bt cotton and its isoline on soil nematode diversity. Bt cotton (06Z604D), ... -
Nematode metabolic footprints, ecological and functional indices in tropical maize-beans agro-ecosystems under different farming practices
(Elsevier, 2020-10)Maize and beans contribute significantly to food security in Kenya. Farming practices used in production of these crops may affect nematode community assemblages and influence agricultural productivity. Information on ... -
A New Adaptive EDCA Approach to QoS of Wireless Communications
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2010-07)Under the background of intelligent transportation application, QoS for various services is different in wireless com-munication. Based on the MAC layer protocol, this paper analyzes the QoS in IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol ... -
A New Algorithm of Mobile Node Localization Based on RSSI
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2011-04)Position mobile node coordinate is a key component to determine the accuracy and efficiency of positioning in wireless sensor networks. Flexible location algorithm admits to adjust the accuracy and time cost of positioning ... -
A New Attribute Decision Making Model Based on Attribute Importance
(Scientific Research, 2013-11)In the light of universality of uncertainty, we propose a decision making model in completed information system. Considering the attribute reduction, attribute importance and mismatched information, a multiple attribute ... -
A New Framework for Online Business Teaching
(Scientific Research, 2018-07)Recently, business education has experienced an expansion of online education programs. In this paper, we propose a framework to improve the effectiveness of student learning in an online lecture format. In particular, ... -
New Method for Synthesis of Coatings of Molybdenum, Tungsten, Their Carbides and Composites
(Scientific Research, 2013-04)In this paper we report, for the first time, a new approach for synthesis of high quality faceted microcrystalline coatings of molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W), their carbides and composites. These studies are carried out ... -
New sources of resistance to spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus in sorghum
(2012)The lepidopteran Chilo partellus Crambid, an introduced pest in East and southern Africa from Asia, is the most economically important stem borer species infesting cereals in Africa. Chilo partellus causes more than 40% ... -
A New Surfactant Flooding Model for Low Permeability Reservoirs
(Scientific Research, 2013-03)Surfactant as a successful Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) agent has been widely used in many mature reservoirs. This research focuses on the description of surfactant solution at low permeability condition. A new three-dimensional, ... -
New-Onset Seizures in HIV Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy at a Tertiary Centre in South-West, Nigeria
(Scientific Research, 2013-06)Background: Seizures are associated with neurological manifestations of HIV. They may be the presenting symptom and can occur at any disease stage. Aim: To determine the frequency and clinical aspects of new-onset seizures ... -
NGS 104:Fundametals of nursing 1
(university of embu, 2020-01)