Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2129-2148 of 3409
Macroeconomic Conditions and Stock Market Liquidity in Kenya
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2020-11)This paper explores the role of macroeconomic conditions on systematic stock market liquidity in Kenya. The study first estimates the monthly probability of liquidity switching from a high to a low liquidity state using ... -
Macroeconomic Environment and Public Debt in Kenya
(2018)Purpose: To estimate the optimal levels of real economic growth rate needed to stabilize debt levels and carry out a stochastic debt simulation to determine the possible future debt path and its distribution in ... -
Macroeconomic Factors, Foreign Portfolio Investment, Market Capitalization and Stock Return of Firms Listed at the Securities Exchanges in East Africa
(2022-09)ABSTRACT Securities exchange play a vital role in the growth of an economy by encouraging savings and investment, as well as helping local and international investors to access cost-effective capital. Despite the benefits ... -
MAEB: Routing Protocol for IoT Healthcare
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2013-04)Healthcare is one of the most promising applications of Internet of Things. This paper describes a prototype for the IoT healthcare systems. We propose the Movement-Aided Energy-Balance (MAEB) routing protocol. The movement ... -
Magnetic and Photon Cascade Emission of Gd3+ of NaGd(PO3)4 Monocrystal Under Appropriate Synthesis Conditions
(2017-08)A signal crystal of NaGd(PO3)4 (NGP) was successfully grown with the solid-state reaction method under appropriate synthesis conditions. Structure refinements and the purity of the samples were determined by XRD patterns. ... -
Magnetic Concentration of Iron in Lateritic Soils from Kamahuha, Murang’a County, in Kenya using Carbon Monoxide Generated In-Situ
(IJSET, 2014-08)Chemical and Mineral Analyses of laterites from selected sites in Kamahuha area of Murang’a County, in the Republic of Kenya, have been carried out with particular interest in the levels of iron and the type of minerals ... -
Malaria vector control strategies. What is appropriate towards sustainable global eradication?
(ELSEVIER, 2020-10)Malaria a mosquito-borne disease caused by Plasmodium remains to be a main global burden despite concerted efforts to eliminate it. While diverse control strategies have been put in place for mosquito-borne diseases, vector ... -
Malaria vectors distribution, abundance and assessment of factors influencing acceptance and use of Insecticide Treated Nets in Uyo Akwa Ibom State Nigeria
(African Science Publications, 2021-01-01)The abundance and distribution of malaria vectors as well as compliance with the use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) are key factors in the fight against malaria. Malaria vector species composition, distribution and ... -
The Malaysian health care system: Ecology, plans, and reforms.
(2016-01)Malaysia is on its way to achieving developed nation status in the next 4 years. Currently, Malaysia is on track for three Millennium Development Goals (MDG1, MDG4, and MDG7). The maternal mortality rate, infant mortality ... -
Males at High Risk for Breast Cancer: Who Are They and How Should We Screen Them?
(Scientific Research, 2014-07)Background: It is estimated that 2240 males in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer (BC) in 2013, resulting in 410 deaths. Overall, male breast cancers (MBCs) are diagnosed with larger tumor size, more ... -
Management in Action: Managing the HIV/AIDS Curriculum in Kenya
(Scientific Research, 2014-07)Curriculum management can only be effective when the curriculum content and expected learning outcomes are clearly stated for the actual implementers. The implementers on their side especially the teachers and the school ... -
Management of Pesticide Residues as a Quality Control Measure for Export Tomato
(University of Embu, 2017)Tomato production is of great economic value to people of Karie, Mwea, Kirinyaga County as many farmers have focused in tomato production to earn their living. Tomatoes in Karie are attacked by various pest such as ... -
Management of Post-Circumcision Trapped Penis with Glanular Amputation
(Scientific Research, 2014-07)A phenomenon known as trapped penis has numerous origins, including injudicious circumcision. Materials and Methods: Surgery for trapped penis with glanular amputation was performed for 5 children. The surgical policy ... -
Management of Traumatic Joint Dislocations in Irrua
(Scientific Research, 2015-03)Aim: To elucidate the pattern of presentation and management of traumatic major joint dislocations as seen in Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital. Method: A five-year retrospective review of 44 cases in 43 patients. Data ... -
Managing leaf-cutting ants: Peculiarities, trends and challenges
(published online, 2014-03)Leaf-cutting ants are generally recognized as important pest species in Neotropical America. They are eusocial insects that exhibit social organization, foraging, fungus-cultivation, hygiene and a complex nest structure, ... -
Managing Computing Infrastructure for IoT Data
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2014-07)Digital data have become a torrent engulfing every area of business, science and engineering disciplines, gushing into every economy, every organization and every user of digital technology. In the age of big data, deriving ... -
Manifestations and meanings of cognitive conflict among mathematics students in Embu, Kenya
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2020-11)Establishing how cognitive conflict is manifested by students is an important first step in understanding how teachers can utilize cognitive conflict to improve students' learning experiences. This paper presents findings ... -
Mapping and managing the spread of Prosopis Juliflora in Garissa County, Kenya
(Kenyatta University, 2011-06)More than three decades after the introduction of prosopis species in the drylands of Kenya there is now increasing concern about the negative impacts of the plant on the livelihoods of dryland communities and on the ... -
Mapping brucellosis risk in Kenya and its implications for control strategies in sub‑Saharan Africa
(UoEm, 2023-11-30)In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), effective brucellosis control is limited, in part, by the lack of long-term commitments by governments to control the disease and the absence of reliable national human and livestock population-based ... -
March 2019 dengue fever outbreak at the Kenyan south coast involving dengue virus serotype 3, genotypes III and V
(Plos, 2022-03)The first description of a disease resembling dengue fever (DF) was in the 15 century slave trade era by Spanish sailors visiting the Tanzania coast. The disease, then associated with evil spirits is now known to be ...