Browsing PhD. Theses and Dissertations by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 51
Determination of Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Legume Green Manures for Maize Production in Embu, Kenya
(Kenyatta University, 2008-05)Land productivity in the central highlands of Kenya is mainly constrained by low and declining soil fertility. In the maize-based farming systems, continuous cultivation without adequate soil fertility enhancement measures ... -
Empirical and model derived respiration responses to climate in different soils of an arid South African ecosystem
(The University of the Western Cape, 2009)This study examined the magnitude of soil CO2 efflux in an arid South African ecosystem, the flux responses as well as those of key limiting nutrients to soil temperature increases and moisture reductions consistent with ... -
Microbial Diversity of Lake Elmenteita, Kenya
(Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2009)The major goal of microbial ecology is to understand microbial diversity in natural habitats their interaction with one another and with their habitat. The soda lakes are highly productive environments and the soda lakes ... -
Effects of Selected Media on Novel Portland Pozzolana Cement
(Kenyatta University, 2009-02)Cement is subject to degradation by aggressive media found in the environment. Durability tests are therefore necessary for any cementitious material in a given environment. The work reported in this thesis involved the ... -
Bantu and Nilotic Children’s Singing Games: A Comparative Study of their Value Communication
(University of Cape Town South Africa, 2009-07)This study is based on the premise that Luo and Luhya children’s singing games are creative works that subtly reflect the aesthetics of the two communities. The aim is to critically examine how the performance of the ... -
Assesing the Drivers of Pollinator and Natural Enemy Community in Pigeonpea and Field Bean Crops
(The University of Reading, 2010-09)1. Arthropods are key components in agro-ecosystems providing critical ecosystem services to crops, such as pollination and natural pest control. The structure and functioning of these arthropod communities can be influenced ... -
Incidence and Extent of Substance Abuse among Secondary School Students in Nairobi Province, Kenya: Implications for Specialized Intervention
(Kenyatta University, 2010-10)Substance abuse has become a major challenge in secondary schools in Kenya. A study carried out in Kenya observed that 20% of adolescents aged between 12 and 22 years smoke cigarettes, 9% smoke bhang while 23% drink ... -
Mapping and managing the spread of Prosopis Juliflora in Garissa County, Kenya
(Kenyatta University, 2011-06)More than three decades after the introduction of prosopis species in the drylands of Kenya there is now increasing concern about the negative impacts of the plant on the livelihoods of dryland communities and on the ... -
Being There for the Other: Towards a Phenomenology of Help in Mathematics
(University of Alberta, 2013)A qualitative study, framed within a hermeneutic phenomenological stance, was undertaken to explore and describe the essence of the meaning of help in mathematics from the perspective of high school students. Participants ... -
Nutritional contribution of atmospheric deposition to the Strandveld vegetation of West Coast South Africa
(University of Cape Town, 2013-07)Ecosystem nutrient availability depends on the balance between rates of nutrient inputs and losses. Nutrients may be lost through fire and displacement of ash, herbivory, leaching and volatilization. The main pathways ... -
Discursive Construction of Masculine Identities in Newspapers Pullout Magazines in Kenya
(Laikipia University., 2014-10)The study analyzed the discursive constructions of masculine identities in newspapers’ pullout magazines in Kenya. It examined if there was a disconnect between the way Kenya’s mainstream newspapers’ pullout magazines ... -
Organisational Internal Context, Information Communication Technology Infrastructure, Staff Attitude and Implementation of Electronic Project Monitoring Information System in Public Tertiary Institutions in Kenya
(University of Nairobi, 2015)The study sought to establish the influence of organizational internal context on the implementation of Electronic Project Monitoring Information System (e-ProMIS) in Public Tertiary Institutions ... -
Effect of Government Regulations on Factors Hindering Financing of Small Scale Water Investments in Kenya
(Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2015)In Kenya, most water utilities have been publicly owned and managed. These utility firms have thus been getting financial support from the government in form of subsidies in addition to the revenue they ... -
Design, fabrication and characterization of an appropriate solar thermal electricity generating system
(2015)The sun provides an abundant and clean source of energy. However the supply of this energy is periodic following yearly and diurnal cycles, intermittent, unpredictable and it is diffused. Its density is low compared to the ... -
Studies on Potassium requirements for maize in Nyamira County, Kenya
(2015-03)In Kenya, Maize is a key cereal crop and a major staple food in most Kenyan families. Most maize farmers mainly apply nitrogenious and phosphorous fertilizers to improve on maize yields in the country and Nyamira county ... -
Usawiri wa Mwanasiasa wa Afrika Katika Ushairi wa Kiswahili
(Chuka University, 2015-04)Utafiti huu ulishughulikia usawiri wa mwanasiasa wa Afrika katika ushairi wa Kiswahili. Kimsingi, mtafiti alichunguza jinsi washairi mbalimbali walivyowasawiri wanasiasa wa Afrika kiubunifu kwa lengo la kudhihirisha ... -
An Evaluation of Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Kenya’s French Bean Exports
(University of Nairobi, 2015-04)During the period after the adoption of a floating exchange rate regime in Kenya, there has been substantial volatility produced by the regime. In spite of the considerable foreign exchange contribution of Kenya’s ... -
Contributions of Selected Microsystems to antisocial behaviours among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Manyatta Sub- County, Embu County, Kenya
(Kenyatta University, 2015-04)Antisocial behaviour is a major challenge in secondary schools in Kenya. It is linked with delinquent behaviour such as truancy, drug abuse and bullying. These behaviours are related to negative interactions ... -
Statistical Distributions and Modelling of GPS-Telemetry Elephant Movement Data including the Effect of Covariates
(University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, 2015-04)In this thesis, I investigate the application of various statistical methods towards analysing GPS tracking data collected using GPS collars placed on large mammals in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Animal movement ... -
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of an appropriate Solar Thermal Electricity Generating System
(Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2015-07)The sun provides an abundant and clean source of energy. However the supply of this energy is periodic following yearly and diurnal cycles, intermittent, unpredictable and it is diffused. Its density is low compared to the ...