Browsing Business and Economics by Title
Now showing items 32-51 of 102
How do Companies Invest in Corporate Social Responsibility? An Ordonomic Contribution for Empirical CSR Research
(MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2014-01)This paper takes both a conceptual and an empirical approach to answer the question as to how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be connected to the company‘s role as an agent of social value creation when it operates ... -
Human Capital, Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Arab World: A Panel Granger Causality Analysis
(OMICS Group, 2016-02)This study investigates the causal-relationships between human capital and economic growth, and between infrastructure and economic growth in Arab World countries. The study covers the period from 1974 to 2013 using annual ... -
Human Dimensions Approach towards Integrating Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning Policies: A Decision Support System (DSS) Based on Stated Preferences Data
(Scientific Research, 2017-06)While a lot of progress has been made in Germany to reduce CO2 emissions in the past years in almost all sectors of economy, however, the sector of transportation shows increasing CO2 emissions in the same period of time. ... -
Identification of the Type of Strategic Policy for Sustainable Development on the Basis of Territorial Characterization. A Case Study in Canton Baños de Agua Santa, Tungurahua, Ecuador
(Scientific Research, 2017-08)This study was carried out in Baños de Agua Santa, Province of Tungurahua-Ecuador; From the time of Spanish colonization to the present day, the failure to implement sustainable development policies has led to the decline ... -
The Impact of Nonfarm Activities on Rural Farm Household Income and Food Security in the Upper East and Upper West Regions of Ghana
(Scientific Research, 2016-06)Research shows that participation in rural non-farm activities exerts a pronounced impact on agriculture, household farm decisions, rural development, income and welfare as well as household food security. This paper ... -
The Impacts of Joint Energy and Output Prices Uncertainties in a Mean-Variance Framework
(Scientific Research, 2017-08)In this paper, we analyze the impacts of joint energy and output prices uncertainties on the inputs demands in a mean-variance framework. We find that the concepts of elasticities and variance vulnerability play important ... -
The Imperative of Stock Market on Economic Growth in Nigeria: “The Endogenous Growth Model”
(OMICS Group, 2016-01)The study examined the imperative of stock market on economic performance in Nigeria. The objective of the study were to examine the relationship between total value traded in the stock market, market capitalization, ... -
Implementability by a Canonical Indirect Mechanism of an Optimal Two-Dimensional Direct Mechanism
(Scientific Research, 2017-02)The present paper investigates the multi-dimensional mechanism design in which buyers have taste and budget as their private information. The paper shows an easy proof of a two-dimensional optimal direct mechanism by ... -
The Implications of Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility—A Literature Review Perspective
(Scientific Research, 2018-02)The purpose of this paper is to discuss the implications of mandatory corporate social responsibility (CSR) contributions: the CSR levy. Using public interest theory as the theoretical lens, this paper adopts a pro-regulation ... -
Income Inequality Measures
(Scientific Research, 2018-02)Income distributions are commonly unimodal and skew with a heavy right tail. Different skew models, such as the lognormal and the Pareto, have been proposed as suitable descriptions of income distribution and applied in ... -
Intellectual Structure of Accounting Research: A Historical Review on the Journal of Accounting Organization Society
(Sciedu Press, 2016-02)The The The Journal of Accounting Organization Society (AOS) focuses on the relationship between accounting and processes of Human behavior and organizational structure. In addition the journal aims to address all aspects ... -
The Interaction between Public Sector Wage, Inflation and Exchange Rate Volatility in Ghana
(Scientific Research, 2017-03)Continuous depreciation of the cedi has been in the orbit of concern of policy makers for time immemorial. This is because, in spite of many policy actions to restore the continuous depreciation of the cedi amidst wage ... -
Justification of the Coexistence of Formal and Informal Reciprocal Loans in Developing Countries
(Scientific Research, 2017-10)This paper provides a new justification for the coexistence of formal and informal reciprocal loans in developing countries. We develop an investment model capable of comparing the financing costs of different financing ... -
Kautilya on Foresight, Oversight, Regulations, Ethics and Systemic Risk
(Scientific Research, 2017-04)In the wake of the recent Great recession of 2008-9, prudential supervision and “too-big-to-fail” have become the focal topics of discussion and policy. Western countries have added prudential supervision to complement ... -
Leasehold: An Institutional Framework for Understanding Nonprofit Governance in a Civil Society Context
(MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2015-09)Nonprofit organizations play a role in the creation of a society that is civil, and it is an important one that neither the state nor for-profit organizations undertake. This raises the question of governance and accountability, ... -
A Linguistic Examination of the CapitalCube™ Market Effect Variables
(Sciedu Press, 2016-05)Introduction: Linguistic variables and the nuanced market information they afford are critical to the efficient and effective functioning of market trading platforms. In this research, we report on our investigation of the ... -
Management in Action: Managing the HIV/AIDS Curriculum in Kenya
(Scientific Research, 2014-07)Curriculum management can only be effective when the curriculum content and expected learning outcomes are clearly stated for the actual implementers. The implementers on their side especially the teachers and the school ... -
Market Making, Liquidity Provision, and Attention Constraints: An Experimental Study
(Scientific Research, 2017-06)This paper uses an experimental electronic market to investigate the effect of limited attention on the market maker’s ability to provide liquidity and, thus, on aggregate market liquidity. I find that higher demands on ... -
Measurement of Fiscal Absorbing Capacity in Megacities and Analysis on Their Influence Factors—Empirical Research Based on Factor Analysis Combined with Panel Data
(Scientific Research, 2017-04)Fiscal absorbing capacity is an essential part of national capacity, whose shortcoming would drive local governments to raise capital through nonstandardized channels. Thus causing a negative effect on national ... -
Measuring the Technical Efficiency for the Shipping Banks—An Approach Using Data Envelopment Analysis
(Scientific Research, 2017-04)The international transportation industry involves various sectors, shipping being one with particular characteristics which differentiates it from others especially as relevant capital risk is concerned. Within this ...