Browsing Articles: Department of Education by Title
Now showing items 6-25 of 36
Describing Diversity in University Enrolment in Kenya
(2016)The identifiable benchmarks that showcase description of ‘diversity’ in enrolment or admission for university education in Kenya were described. Universities encourage multiethnic student and staff ... -
Dhima ya Kiswahili katika Uimarishaji wa Utamaduni na Mazingira kwa Mujibu wa Katiba ya Kenya
(East African Scholars Publisher, 2019-09)The Constitution of the Republic of Kenya recognizes culture and environment as important pillars upon which the identity of its people is anchored. Chapter Two, Section 11 of the Constitution takes cognizant of culture ... -
Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Primary Dysmenorrhea Among Female University Students
(2017-09)Primary Dysmenorrhoea is a condition that has attracted attention among the stakeholders in education and health professions. Primary Dysmenorrhea is chronic cyclical pelvic pain associated with menstruation in the ... -
Effects of Performance Ranking in Mathematics on Students’ and Teachers’ Identity Development
(Science Publishing Group, 2019-04)Student and teacher identities are generally considered to influence students’ academic performance in Mathematics. The objective of the study reported in this paper was to investigate the effects of performance ranking ... -
An Exploration of Factors that Contribute to Low Performance in Physics: A Case of a Secondary School in Kenya
(2015-08)The study reported in this paper aimed at exploring the factors that contribute to students’ low performance in physics. Study participants were 2 physics teachers (a male and a female) and 57 physics students (30 males ... -
Implementing Language-in- Education Policy in Multilingual Mathematics Classrooms: Pedagogical Implications
(2013)In this paper, we examine selected literature on classroom-based research to understand how students and teachers (re)negotiate the language of interaction in a mathematics classroom when the official medium of instruction ... -
Indicators of Professional Competence for Sustainable National Development in Kenya
(2016)The indicators for professional competence in university education are desirable for assessment and prediction of sustainable national development. The goal was to create an evidence based focus ... -
Influence of Organisational Staff Capacity on the Implementation of Electronic Project Monitoring Information System in Public Tertiary Institutions in Kenya
(2015-10)This article highlights on the urgent need for staff training on new technologies, provision of adequate ICT infrastructure and staff attitudinal change trainings for effective implementation of new electronic based systems. ... -
Influence of Organizational Strategy on Implementation of Electronic Project Monitoring Information System in Public Tertiary Institutions in Kenya
(2015-09)The principal objective of the study reported in this article was to empirically assess on the influence of organisational strategy on the implementation of Electronic Project Monitoring Information System (e-ProMIS) in ... -
Influence of Resource Based Management on Strategic Renewal of Insurance Firms in Kenya
(Strategic Journals, 2018-08)The objective of the study was to determine the effect of resource based management on the strategic renewal of insurance firms in Kenya. Two dimensions of strategic renewal were studied: the insurance firms’ deliberate ... -
Influence of Strategies on Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities in Kirimari Ward in Embu County, Kenya
(2018-08)The purpose of the study was establishing the influence of the strategies on empowerment of persons with disabilities in Embu County. The study was guided by the following objectives; To establish the influence of inclusive ... -
Influence of Value Based Management on Strategic Renewal of Insurance Firms in Kenya
(Strategic Journals, 2018-08)The objective of the study was to determine the effect of value based management on the strategic renewal of insurance firms in Kenya. Two dimensions of strategic renewal were studied: the insurance firms’ deliberate ... -
Kiswahili Poetry and Its Role in Preservation of the History of Struggle for Freedom in Africa
(2015)This research investigated the portrayal of the African politician in Kiswahili poetry. Basically, this research intended to shed light on how different poets have portrayed African politicians creatively with a purpose ... -
Manifestations and meanings of cognitive conflict among mathematics students in Embu, Kenya
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2020-11)Establishing how cognitive conflict is manifested by students is an important first step in understanding how teachers can utilize cognitive conflict to improve students' learning experiences. This paper presents findings ... -
Mchango wa Lugha za Kiasili katika Uafikiaji wa Maendeleo Endelevu
(2021-06)Makala hii inajadili dhima ya lugha za kiasili, ikiwemo ya Kiswahili, katika kuafikia maendeleo endelevu barani Afrika. Kimsingi, asilimia kubwa ya wenyeji wa bara hili huishi katika maeneo ya mashambani na huzitumia ... -
Overview, statistics, clinical management and impact of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Kenya up to 20/05/2020
(2020-09)Background: The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19)was first announcedin Wuhan, China andwas regarded asa worldwide security threat. As of 20thMay2020, there were 5,083,411 casesand 329,239 deathsreported ... -
People’s perception on climate change and its effects on livelihood in Kitui County
(ISDS LLC, 2018-07)This paper examines people’s perception on climate change and the effect of the changing climate on their livelihood in Kitui County. Kitui County is a semi-arid region which experiences long dry spells that make a large ... -
Performance appraisal training of employees: A strategy to enhance employees’ performance in public teacher training colleges in Kenya
(Academic Journals, 2021-06)Human Resource (HR) practices like performance appraisal (PA) training are meant to ensure that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for the attainment of organisational goals. However, gaps still ... -
Performance ranking in school mathematics in Kenya: A device that conceals and naturalizes inappropriate teaching strategies
(2020-08)Teaching strategies have a significant influence on students’ academic performance. This paper presents results from a qualitative study that examined the effects that performance ranking in Mathematics has on teaching ... -
Performance rankings in education: Implications for policy and practice
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2020-11)In recent decades, school performance ranking (or ‘league table’) have become a common feature of many education systems in the world. The ranking is usually published by government and news agencies in an attempt to ...