Indicators of Professional Competence for Sustainable National Development in Kenya
The indicators for professional competence in university education are desirable for
assessment and prediction of sustainable national development. The goal was to create an
evidence based focus between Kenya’s national development strategies (educational) and the
learner’s professional competence in achieving sustainable development for themselves and
for their country. The indicators of the professional competence for university students were
reviewed using a modified Competencies Assessment Tool (CAT) adapted from American
College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE, 2014). The indicators were identified as; effective
communication and relationship management, leadership skills, professionalism, knowledge
of the practice environment, and business skills and knowledge. Professional competence
education and training has not kept pace with these challenges, largely because of fragmented
competence development strategies that produce ill-equipped graduates. young professionals,
however, will develop sustainable competence if they will be empowered but not
micromanaged, sponsored to serve as role models, allowed to manage their own scale of
innovation, trusted without being prejudiced, and be positively challenged rather than being
marginalized. We recommend that the university should: develop ethical values among all
university students, encourage competence development to match theory in the university
education, promote responsibility and interest among learners, decide on strategies for
sustaining professional competences, and formulate tests to assess competency level for
employability of all final year university students.