Overview, statistics, clinical management and impact of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Kenya up to 20/05/2020

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Nyagah, David M.
Ngunju, Rosemary M.
Nyagah, Milcah Njoki
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Background: The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19)was first announcedin Wuhan, China andwas regarded asa worldwide security threat. As of 20thMay2020, there were 5,083,411 casesand 329,239 deathsreported by 212 nations.Kenyahas affirmed1029 cases, 50 fatalities and 366 recoveriessince the Governmentof Kenya (GoK)confirmed its first COVID-19 case on 12thMarch2020.Objective: This short communicationaimedto discuss the overview, statistics, clinical management and impact of COVID-19 in Kenya.Method:TheMinistry of Health (MOH) has executed borderscreening, activated laboratories inNamanga, Wajir and Busia, enacted multi-agency teamsand the Nyumba Kumi initiativeas key strategies to curb COVID-19spread.Of the 47 Counties, 26 confirmedCOVID-19 cases with496 (48.2%) and 316 (35.1%) casesregistered inNairobiand Mombasa.Thus,within these counties,the MOH haslaunchedmass testing athot spots.To report cases and mental health issues,respectively,the Government introducedtoll-free lines such as 719 and 1199. Herethe datapresentedis fromgovernment agencies and media houses andfocuseson statistics, prevention, clinical management, quarantine centers, donationsand impact ofCOVID-19.Results &Conclusion:As of 20/05/2020,the Government hadscreened 49,405individualswith test kits in 20 approved laboratoriesand screening is still ongoing.Such dataare first of their kindfor thecorrespondence and save for futureknowledgeandcoherent verification.