Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2053-2072 of 3404
Labour Diversity and Domestic Firm’s Productivity in Kenya
(2015-07)This study attempted to empirically examine the effect of labour diversity on firm’s productivity in Kenya. To achieve this objective primary data was collected from various firms. Thereafter analysis was done using Feasible ... -
Land use effects on termite assemblages in Kenya
(Heliyon, 2021-12)Termites perform key ecological functions and they also cause crop damage. Land use change resulting from agricultural intensification can result in changes in termite species diversity and abundance. Termite species occurring ... -
Larvicidal efficacy of Mundulea sericea (Leguminosae) plant extract against Anopheles gambiae (Giles) and Culex quinqefasciatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae)
(2014-02)Background: Anopheles gambiae is the main carrier for parasites that cause malaria and filariasis as well as viruses that cause yellow fever, dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever, chikungunya and encephalitis. Culex ... -
Late Presentation of a Congenital Intrinsic Duodenal Obstruction in a Patient with Anorectal Malformation
(Scientific Research, 2013-07)Anorectal Malformations are known to be associated with various other congenital anomalies including duodenal atresia. An association of congenital intrinsic duodenal obstruction causing partial duodenal obstruction in a ... -
Layout Design of LC VCO with Current Mirror Using 0.18 µm Technology
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2011-04)This paper presents a new design of complementary oxide semiconductor voltage controlled oscillator (CMOS VCO) for improve tuning range and phase noise with low power consumption. Design is area efficient and easy to ... -
Learner support system and academic performance of distance learning students in selected Kenyan public universities
(University of Pretoria, 2019)Distance learning is a mode of study globally accepted as a tool for enhancing access, equity and quality in education. The Kenyan Government has put in place mechanisms to promote open and distance learning practices ... -
Learners’ self efficacy and academic performance of distance learning students in selected Kenyan public universities
(IISTE, 2018)Academic performance of distance learning students has been of concern to researchers. Several researches done since 1920s in developed countries have revealed that there is no significant difference in performance ... -
Learning Based Falling Detection Using Multiple Doppler Sensors
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2013-04)Automated falling detection is one of the important tasks in this ageing society. Such systems are supposed to have little interference on daily life. Doppler sensors have come to the front as useful devices to detect human ... -
Leasehold: An Institutional Framework for Understanding Nonprofit Governance in a Civil Society Context
(MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2015-09)Nonprofit organizations play a role in the creation of a society that is civil, and it is an important one that neither the state nor for-profit organizations undertake. This raises the question of governance and accountability, ... -
Leasing as Major Financing Tool in Small and Medium Enterprises in Embu County
(University of Embu, 2019) -
Lecturer-Student Notification System
(University of Embu, 2019)An online notice board is a place where people can leave any types of messages and notifications for advertisements, announcement of events or provide information. Online notice board can be placed on digital devices ... -
Left Ventricular Reconstruction and Mitral Valve Annuloplasty Combined with Papillary Muscle Relocation for Severe Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation
(Scientific Research, 2017-12)A 46-year-old man was referred to our hospital due to severe ischemic mitral regurgitation with severe bileaflet tethering and a dilated left ventricle. We performed left ventricular reconstruction and mitral valve ... -
Legislative Handbook on Principles of Equality and Non-Discrimination
(2018-11)August 2010 ushered in an unprecedented era of civil liberties backed by a robust Bill of Rights containing progressive provisions on economic, social and cultural rights. The transformative Constitution provided the ... -
Length of growing season, rainfall temporal distribution, onset and cessation dates in the Kenyan highlands
(Elsevier, 2013-12)Dependence on uncertain rainfall and exposure to unmitigated climate risk are major obstacles in efforts to sustainably intensify agricultural production and enhance rural livelihoods. There is generally enough seasonal ... -
Leveraging on germplasm acquisition for Arabica coffee improvement in Kenya
(Scienceweb Publishing, 2016-01)The low genetic variability within Coffea arabica species is a major hindrance to its improvement. The emergence of new pathogen races, especially for the prevalent fungus Hemileia vastatrix ... -
The Librarian Journal
(Higher Education Books LAXMI PUBLICATIONS, 2021-01-25) -
Library Literacy Program Library as Battleground for Fighting Fakenews
(2019-03-18)Library literacy programs have continued to play a pivotal role in ensuring that students only consume the information necessary to their studies in the wake of fake news. Before the introduction of the Internet as an ... -
LiFi is a paradigm-shifting 5G technology
(Elsevier, 2018-11)In this paper we will first explain what Light-Fidelity (LiFi) is and argue that it is a 5th Generation (5G) technology. Peak transmission speeds of 8 Gbps from a single light source have been demonstrated, and complete ... -
Linear, Cubic and Quintic Coordinate-Dependent Forces and Kinematic Characteristics of a Spring-Mass System
(2013-09)By combining a pair of linear springs we devise a nonlinear vibrator. For a one dimensional scenario the nonlinear force is composed of a polynomial of odd powers of position-dependent variable greater than or equal three. ... -
A Linguistic Examination of the CapitalCube™ Market Effect Variables
(Sciedu Press, 2016-05)Introduction: Linguistic variables and the nuanced market information they afford are critical to the efficient and effective functioning of market trading platforms. In this research, we report on our investigation of the ...