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Now showing items 1799-1818 of 3404
Hypoglycemic effect of Helichrysum odoratissimum in alloxan induced diabetic mice
(2015)Diabetes mellitus is a disease of antiquity with worrying global incidence and prevalence. Conventional management and/or treatment interventions have been hampered by drawbacks like high costs, inaccessibility, likelihood ... -
A hypothesis of series resonance in the white matter for understanding the mechanism of spike-wave seizures
(Elsevier, 2018-03)Generalized epilepsy is accompanied by large-amplitude synchronized spike-wave discharges on electroencephalography. The condition rapidly and synchronously involves most regions of the brain, but the mechanism underlying ... -
ICT Devices: Vital Tools for Enhancing Road Traffic Monitoring
(Communications and ,Network, 2018-07-10)Road Traffic monitoring involves the collection of data describing the charac- teristic of vehicles and their movement through road networks. Such data may be used for one of these purposes such as law enforcement, ... -
Identification and characterization drought tolerance of gene LEA-D11 soybean (glycine max L. Merr) based on PCR-sequencing
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2013-01)Drought is one of the most damaging abiotic stress. Different plants response differently to drought stress. Abiotic stresses such as drought induced diverse physicological and molecular responses in plants. These responses ... -
Identification and distribution of pathogens coinfecting with Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii and Rift Valley fever virus in humans, livestock and wildlife
(Wiley, 2002-01)Zoonotic diseases, such as brucellosis, Q fever and Rift Valley fever (RVF) caused by Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii and RVF virus, respectively, can have devastating effects on human, livestock, and wildlife health ... -
Identification and preliminary characterization of novel B3-type metallo-β-lactamases
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2013-10)Antibiotic resistance has emerged as a major global threat to human health. Among the strategies employed by pathogens to acquire resistance the use of metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs), a family of dinuclear metalloenzymes, is ... -
Identification and Quantification of Corn, Soybean and Cotton Genetically Modified by Real Time PCR
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2015-07)In order to obtain a cheaper method for quantification of transgenic events in corn, soybeans and cotton, primers for real time PCR have been developed and optimized, with fluorescent BRYT Green system. The DNA was ... -
Identification of a SSR marker (TOM-144) linked to Fusarium wilt resistance in Solanum lycopersicum
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2013-10)With the discovery of molecular markers and marker assisted selection technology, the research has entered into a new era and has made it possible to develop new and more informative PCR-based markers, including SSR, and ... -
Identification of culturable microalgae diversity in the River Nile in Egypt using enrichment media
(African Science Publications, 2021-04-05)This study aimed to morphologically identify the highest possible microalgae biodiversity in a sample collected from the River Nile using the culture-based method. Water samples were cultured on the two commonly used media ... -
Identification of ebs1, lsm6 and nup159 as suppressors of spt10 effects at ADH2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggests post-transcriptional defects affect mRNA synthesis
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2012-07)Suppression of the effects of an spt10 mutation on ADH2 expression is a phenotype shared by a small number of genes whose protein products are either components of the CCR4-NOT complex required for mRNA deadenylation and ... -
Identification of Elsinoë phaseoli causing bean scab in Kenya and evaluation of sporulation using five adapted techniques
(UoEm, 2024-06-07)This research addresses the presence of Elsinoë phaseoli in Kenya, where information on the biology of this pathogen remains scarce. Employing a multifaceted approach, the study demonstrates the steps taken to isolate, ... -
Identification of new sorghum genotypes resistant to the African and spotted Stem borers
(2014)Lepidopteran stemborers, mainly the African stemborer Busseola fusca Fuller and spotted stemborer Chilopartellus Swinhoe, are among the economically important pests of sorghum in Kenya. Identification of sources of resistance ... -
Identification of Spittlebug Species Plant Hosts, Ecology and Their Syombiants within the University of Embu-Kenya
(University of Embu, 2019)Spittlebugs a nymph stage of froghoppers that are insects of the family Cercopidae that inhabits strawberries, nursery stock, and legume forage crops, ornamental grasses. Meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius is the ... -
Identification of the Best Legume for Maize (Zea mays L.) Intercrop for Improved Maize Productivity
(University of Embu, 2017)Smallholder farmers are the most important food security stakeholders in Sub-Saharan Africa, who majorly practice subsistence agriculture associated with low crop productivity due to the soil nutrients depletion. Most ... -
Identification of the Type of Strategic Policy for Sustainable Development on the Basis of Territorial Characterization. A Case Study in Canton Baños de Agua Santa, Tungurahua, Ecuador
(Scientific Research, 2017-08)This study was carried out in Baños de Agua Santa, Province of Tungurahua-Ecuador; From the time of Spanish colonization to the present day, the failure to implement sustainable development policies has led to the decline ... -
Identifying Morpho-Physiological Characteristics Associated with Drought Tolerance in Selected Chikpea Germ Plasm in Nakuru and Baringo Counties, Kenya
(2013-11)This paper examines the morpho-physiological characteristics of chickpea associated with drought tolerance based on a study of selected chickpea lines under field conditions in Nakuru and Baringo counties in Kenya. Drought ... -
Identifying Morpho-Physiological Characteristics Associated with Drought Tolerance in Selected Chikpea Germ Plasm in Nakuru and Baringo Counties, Kenya
(2013-11)tolerance based on a study of selected chickpea lines under field conditions in Nakuru and Baringo counties in Kenya. Drought has been spreading to more land in Kenya over the years due to climatic change attributed to ... -
Identifying the Most Feasible Technologies for mHealth Maternal Mortality Interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa
(SpringerLink, 2021-03-19)mHealth is considered as an acceptable solution toward health-related challenges especially within maternal and neonatal health. This paper is a review of acceptable mHealth technologies and the impact on maternal and ... -
Ideology and Subversion in Feminist Short Stories from Africa
(Hybrid Literacy and Cultural Studies, 2019-12)his paper examines the oppressive nature of the patriarchal society and the Feminist voice for fair treatment of women to restore her respect and dignity. To illustrate the feminist concerns and the subversive practices, ... -
Illiquidity, Foreign Investor Preferences and Asset Pricing In Kenya
(IISTE, 2017)In this paper we examine the role of illiquidity and foreign investor preferences in asset pricing in the Kenyan frontier stock market. Since stock illiquidity and heterogeneous foreign investor preferences are pervasive ...