Browsing by Title
Now showing items 3286-3305 of 3409
Tracking the Expression of Photosensitive Genic Male Sterility Gene in Rice
(2013-09)Photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile rice lines contain genes that induce complete male sterility in high temperature and long day light length period, but are male fertile under low temperature ... -
Tracking the expression of photosensitive genic male sterility genes in rice
(Academic Journals, 2013-11)Photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile rice lines contain genes that induce complete sterility in high temperature and long day light length period, and revert to fertility in optimum low temperature and short day light ... -
Trait matching of flower visitors and crops predicts fruit set better than trait diversity
(Wiley Online Library, 2015)Summary Understanding the relationships between trait diversity, species diversity and ecosystem functioning is essential for sustainable management. For functions comprising two trophic levels, trait matching between ... -
Transaction Costs and Market Participation among Avocado Smallholders in Murang’a County
(University of Embu, 2020-09-26)Access to market plays a vital role in poverty alleviation among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural markets provide income generating opportunities for farmers in rural areas hence improving their ... -
Transaction Costs and Market Participation Among Avocado Smallholders in Murang’a County
(University of Embu, 2020-12-11)Access to market plays a vital role in poverty alleviation among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural markets provide income generating opportunities for farmers in rural areas hence improving their ... -
Transformation of the agricultural financial system in the age of globalisation
(2017)The paper is an attempt to address the advantages and risks connected with the wave of financial globalisation, with a focus on its impact on financial policy in European agriculture. The aim of the paper is to identify ... -
Transitivity Action of An on (n=4,5,6,7) on Unordered and Ordered Quadrupples
(UoEm, 2015)In this paper, we study some transitivity action properties of the alternating group An(n=4,5,6,7 ,) acting on unordered and ordered pairs from the set X = {1,2,...,n} through determination of the number of disjoint equivalence ... -
Transparency and Financing Choices of Family Firms
(Scientific Research, 2018-02)Past literature indicates that family firms were different from nonfamily firms in term of performance, governess and disclosure. But there was very little evidence which specified the financial structure of family firm. ... -
Transport Department Service Charter
(University of Embu, 2019-11)University of Embu Transport Department is committed to providing high quality service to all its customers. The department is continually improving on its internal process to ensure that the services rendered are of high quality. -
Trap characteristics of UV-activated Y3(Al,Ga)5O12:Ce3+phosphorsA
(Elsevier, 2015-12)tThis paper reports on the trap characteristics of commercially obtained Y3(Al,Ga)5O12:Ce3+phosphorpowder. The effects of UV irradiation time and different heating rates have been discussed using differentthermoluminescence ... -
Treated Wastewater Disposal as a Determinant of Water Quality in River Ruvingaci in Manyatta Subcounty, Embu County”
(University of Embu, 2017)Dumping sewage into water bodies such as rivers not only creates a human health hazard but also negatively disrupts the river ecosystem. Pollution causes the quality of the water to deteriorate and affect aquatic ecosystems. ... -
Treatment of flower farm wastewater effluents using constructed wetlands in lake Naivasha, Kenya
(2012-01)Lake Naivasha, Kenya, is a fresh water lake currently experiencing severe environmental problems as result of pollution from agricultural effluents and urban water surface runoff, uncontrolled water abstraction, improper ... -
Treatment of flower farm wastewater effluents using constructed wetlands in lake Naivasha, Kenya
(2012-01)Lake Naivasha, Kenya, is a fresh water lake currently experiencing severe environmental problems as result of pollution from agricultural effluents and urban water surface runoff, uncontrolled water abstraction, improper ... -
The Treatment of Partial-Thickness Burns with a Hydroconductive Wound Dressing: Clinical and Mechanistic Effects
(Scientific Research, 2013-05)Objectives: Edema in partial-thickness burn wounds can decrease tissue perfusion, increase tissue ischemia, and deepen the burn injury. We report the results of a clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of a ... -
A Tree-Based Distributed Permutation Routing Protocol in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensors Network
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2016-06)A Wireless Sensors Network (WSN) is an ad-hoc network populated by small hand-held commodity devices, running on batteries called stations or sensors. Often used in hostiles and sometimes unreachable environments, stations ... -
Trophic interactions among soil arthropods in contrasting land-use systems in Kenya, studied with stable isotopes
(Elsevier, 2017-04)Understanding how land use intensification changes organism communities and trophic interactions in soil is important for development of sustainable agriculture and forestry. We analysed the food web of soil arthropods ... -
TRPC3 and TRPC6 Contribute to the Pathogenesis of Hypertension
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2015-10)Recently studies found that TRPC3 and TRPC6 played an important role in cardiovascular disease. Hypertension, as a cardiovascular disease causing the highest morbidity and mortality, has close relationship with the ... -
Tuberculosis model, a case study of tigania west, Kenya
(2016)Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. Many mathematical models for TB have been developed but not specifically for Kenya. This study develops a deterministic model based on ... -
Two Important Issues in Environmental Ethics: Cloning and Genetic Engineering
(Scientific Research, 2017-09)This paper aims to investigate the moral dilemmas that arise in two contemporary issues, those of Cloning and Genetic Engineering. Firstly, we examine some purely technical aspects of these two issues. Secondly, we attempt ... -
Two Simple Analog Multiplier Based Linear VCOs Using a Single Current Feedback Op-Amp
(Scientific research, 2010-07)Two simple voltage-controlled-oscillators(VCO) with linear tuning laws employing only a single current feedback operational amplifier (CFOA) in conjunction with two analog multipliers(AM) have been highlighted. The ...