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Now showing items 2562-2581 of 3408
Proceedings of the Second Proposal and Thesis Writing Workshop for M.A, MSc, MBA, M.Ed. and Ph.D. Students
(Board of Postgraduate Studies University of Embu, 2018-04)The Second Proposal and Thesis Writing Workshop was held on 26th April 2018 in the Charter Hall at the University of Embu (UoEm). The workshop aimed to equip postgraduate students with the skills required for proposal ... -
Proceedings of the sixth Postgraduate Students Workshop on Publishing
(University of Embu, 2021-05-27)A one-day postgraduate students’ workshop on publishing was held on 27th May 2021. It brought together 139 participants comprising 110 postgraduate students ,17 academic staff members and 12 non-academic staff members ... -
Proceedings of the Third Publishing Workshop for MSc, MBA, M.Ed. students and Ph.D. Students
(Board of Postgraduate Studies University of Embu, 2017-12)The Third Postgraduate Publishing Workshop was held on 19th December 2017 in the Computer Laboratory at the University of Embu. The workshop aimed to equip postgraduate students with the skills required for thesis writing ... -
Processor for Measuring Radio Network Design Quality
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2011-07)In this paper we present the design and prototyping of an arithmetic processor based on reconfigurable technology, whose purpose is to determine in a parallel manner the quality of the solution in a radio network design ... -
Procurement Practices and Supply Chain Performance of Selected Public Universities in Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-12-11)In any institution, success is majorly determined by the procurement practices adopted and how well these procurement practices are implemented. A function that greatly influences the strategies of an organization, as ... -
Procurement Practices and Value for Money in State Corporations in Kenya
(UoEm, 2024-09)Public procurement related expenditure is approximately fifty to seventy percent of the national budget of developing countries and represents close to 33% of the GDP. Mindful of the huge assets committed in open acquirement, ... -
Producers’ Preference for Price Instability?
(Scientific Research, 2018-06)The debate over whether producers prefer price instability to price stability continues, especially where policies are often endorsed that aim at generating stability. Such policies include the holding of agriculture ... -
Product innovations and financial performance of savings and credit co-operatives societies in Kirinyaga County,
(2017-05)Product innovations are crucial to sustain organizations’ financial performance and raise their competitive strengths. SACCOS are the main drivers of economic and social development in rural areas of developing countries. ... -
Product Life Cycle Extension Strategies, Market Based Policies, Customer Loyalty and Performance of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Firms in Kenya
(UoEm, 2024-09-02)Proliferations of strategic interplay among manufacturing firms threaten the sustainability of fast-moving consumer goods in Kenya. In realization of vision 2030, manufacturing was envisaged as a core area in job creation ... -
Product life cycle extension strategies, market based policies, customer loyalty and performance of fast moving consumer goods firms in kenya
(Rwamba Pauline, 2024-08)Proliferations of strategic interplay among manufacturing firms threaten the sustainability of fast-moving consumer goods in Kenya. In realization of vision 2030, manufacturing was envisaged as a core area in job creation ... -
Production Functions and Their Use in Predicting Chickpea Biomass Yields When Grown under Varying Tillage and Sowing Dates in Naivasha, Kenya
(Scientific Research Publishing Co., 2007)The use of production functions as tools for analyzing agronomic relationships and crop growth is gaining importance the world over. Their predictive value in crop adaptation trials for specific agro-ecological sites ... -
Production of bioethanol from starchy tuber (Amorphophallus commutatus) and antimicrobial activity study of its extracts
(African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2020-04-06)Biofuels have been regaining popularity due to the rising price of oil, along with the growing concern about global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Biofuels are processed from plant resources and are mostly ... -
Production of Hybrid Basmati Rice in Kenya: Progress and Challenges
(2013)Photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile (PGMS) and Thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice varieties require a long day light length and high temperature respectively growth conditions for them to be completely ... -
Productivity and Profitability of Selected Cabbage Varieties Under Varying Drip Irrigation Schedules in Humic Nitisols of Embu County
(UoEM, 2022-08)The adverse effects of climate change and increasing human population have put pressure on scarce water resources used in crop production. This consequently threatens the food and nutritional security of the growing ... -
Productivity and profitablity of selected cabbage varieties under varying drip schedules in Humic Nitisols of Embu County.2
(2022-08)The adverse effects of climate change and increasing human population have put pressure on scarce water resources used in crop production. This consequently threatens the food and nutritional security of the growing ... -
Productivity of Selected Cabbage Varieties under Varying Drip Irrigation Schedules in Humic Nitisols of Embu County, Kenya
(Hindawi, 2021-05)Use of controlled irrigation in vegetable production is considered a viable option for optimizing input use and productivity. %is study aimed at assessing the effects of different drip irrigation schedules on productivity ... -
Programmed cell death-like behavior in photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile (PGMS) rice
(Academic Journals, 2011-04)In photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile rice (Oryza sativa L.) pollen abort in long day and high temperature, and revert to fertility in short day length and low temperature growth conditions. This type of control of ... -
Prokaryotic diversity and potentially pathogenic bacteria in vended foods and environmental samples
(BMC, 2021-07)Purpose: Ready-to-eat fast food vending outlets provide a cheap and readily available food. Foodborne diseases have been previously reported in Embu, Kenya, but data on the prokaryotic metagenome in vended foods is scanty. ... -
Promoting Use of Urban Kitchen Gardens to Alleviate Food Insecurity in Embu Town
(University of Embu, 2017)Use of urban kitchen gardens have been on the rise among some urban households. Their use has been promoted to curb the food insecurity in the urban areas. The use of kitchen gardens is rising especially in the urban ...