Human-Wildlife conflicts at the interface between Mt. Kenya National Park/National Forest and small holder farming communities in Embu County

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Nyaga, Justine M.
Rock, Kim
Kjellander, Petter
Show full item recordAbstract
Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is a common problem for many farming
communities around protected areas like parks, reserves and forests all around the
world. In Kenya where most farming occurs at smallholder levels, HWC:s could be
highly significant as it may lead to a complete loss of crops and livestock. Such
cases have previously been experienced by smallholder farming communities
around Mt. Kenya national park/natural forest, but many have gone unreported. To
minimise these conflicts, the government of Kenya, in collaboration with the Rhino
Ark Foundation have constructed an electric fence around the forest.
The main aim of this study was to collate and document experiences of crop raiding
by wildlife on small holder farms in Embu County, Kenya that are adjacent to the
forest. It also aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the electric wildlife fence
along the forest line through Embu County. To achieve this, questionnaires were
administered to 181 small holder farmers living and farming within 5 km of the
electric fence on the approximately 60 km long forest line. The questionnaires
sought to gather information on the wildlife species causing damages, the
magnitude of damage suffered by the farmers on the crops and livestock before and
after the construction of the fence, the interventions they have in place to prevent
such damage and other suggestions to prevent wildlife raids. Wildlife cameras were
also used to track wildlife activity at night time. A total of 169 questionnaires were
retrieved and 455 pictures downloaded from the cameras.
Results show that the percentage of crops destroyed by wildlife was significantly
higher in the year before the wildlife fence was constructed in 2016 compared to
the period after the fence (2016-19). Currently the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus
glaber) and the Kenyan African (Tachyoryctes ibeanus) were reported as the most
frequent pests on crops after the fence construction. Elephants were the most severe
crop raiders before the fence construction, but their raiding ceased completely after
the fence installation. The white tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda) and eagles
(Accipitridae family) were the most frequently reported raiders on livestock. Maize,
macadamia and bananas were the most commonly targeted crops while chickens
were the most targeted livestock. Over 90% of the farmers indicated that the fence
significantly contributed to a reduction of HWC:s. However, they also suggested
additional fencing for both crops and livestock, as well as trapping and poisoning
of raiders like moles and mongooses that were responsible for most of the crop
damage and livestock attacks. This study recommends that farmers devise
innovative ways of dealing with the threat of small animals. These may include
aggressive fencing and growing crops and keeping livestock that are not targeted
by small animals. It is also recommends that the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
develop innovative ways of compensating affected farmers and prevent further loss.
The KWS may also train farmers on procedures to follow in reporting cases of
wildlife invasion and on food choices of various wildlife species inhabiting the
forest so that they avoid growing crops or keeping livestock that are prime targets
for wildlife.