Browsing Physics & Mathematics by Title
Now showing items 34-53 of 63
Impact of the Housing on the Air Flow and the Thermal Behavior of an Automotive Clutch System
(Scientific Research, 2015-03)New directives and increasing competition push automakers to get better performances (engine power increase), along with mass and size reduction (consumption). These evolutions lead to an increase of the thermal solicitations ... -
Improvement of Open-Circuit Voltage in Organic Photovoltaic Cells with Chemically Modified Indium-Tin Oxide
(Scientific research, 2013-12)The possibility of the increase in open-circuit voltage of organic photovoltaic cells based primarily indium-tin oxide (ITO)/rubrene/fullerene/Al structure by changing the work function of ITO anodes and Al cathodes was ... -
Integration by parts identities in integer numbers of dimensions. A criterion for decoupling systems of differential equations
(Elsevier, 2015-12)Integration by parts identities (IBPs) can be used to express large numbers of apparently different d-dimensional Feynman Integrals in terms of a small subset of so-called master integrals (MIs). Using the IBPs one can ... -
LiFi is a paradigm-shifting 5G technology
(Elsevier, 2018-11)In this paper we will first explain what Light-Fidelity (LiFi) is and argue that it is a 5th Generation (5G) technology. Peak transmission speeds of 8 Gbps from a single light source have been demonstrated, and complete ... -
Linear, Cubic and Quintic Coordinate-Dependent Forces and Kinematic Characteristics of a Spring-Mass System
(2013-09)By combining a pair of linear springs we devise a nonlinear vibrator. For a one dimensional scenario the nonlinear force is composed of a polynomial of odd powers of position-dependent variable greater than or equal three. ... -
A Mathematical Model for Magnetohydrodynamic Convection Flow in a Rotating Horizontal Channel with Inclined Magnetic Field, Magnetic Induction and Hall Current Effects
(2011-06)Closed-form and asymptotic solutions are derived for the steady, fully-developed hydromagnetic free and forced convection flow in a rotating horizontal parallel-plate channel under the action of an inclined magnetic field ... -
Mathematical Modelling of Mass Transfer and Free Convection Current Effects on Unsteady Viscous Flow with Ramped Wall Temperature
(2011-08)An exact analysis of the flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past an infinite vertical plate is conducted taking into account the presence of foreign mass or constant mass flux and ramped wall temperature. The dimensionless ... -
Mathematics teachers’ and students’ perceptions of transmissionist teaching and its association with students’ dispositions
(Advance Access publication, 2016-05)This article builds on previous results of theTransmaths studies concerning transmissionist teaching practicesçand especially adds the significance of students’ perceptions of these practicesçin their association with ... -
Mazumder Effect of Liquid and Gas Velocities on Magnitude and Location of Maximum Erosion in U-Bend
(Scientific Research, 2012-06)Solid particle erosion is a micromechanical process that is influenced by flow geometry, material of the impacting surface, impact angle, particle size and shape, particle velocity, flow condition and fluid properties. ... -
The Mesoscopic Constitutive Equations for Polymeric Fluids and Some Examples of Viscometric Flows
(2012-02)Constitutive equations for melts and concentrated solutions of linear polymers are derived as consequences of dynamics of a separate macromolecule. The model is investigated for viscometric flows. It was shown that the ... -
Modeling Evaporating Droplets in Complex Unsteady Flows
(Scientific Research, 2012-06)In many applications, a moving fluid carries a suspension of droplets of a second phase which may change in size due to evaporation or condensation. Examples include liquid fuel drops in engines and raindrops or ice-crystals ... -
A New Surfactant Flooding Model for Low Permeability Reservoirs
(Scientific Research, 2013-03)Surfactant as a successful Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) agent has been widely used in many mature reservoirs. This research focuses on the description of surfactant solution at low permeability condition. A new three-dimensional, ... -
Novel Power Law of Turbulent Spectrum
(Scientific Research, 2014-06)This paper is concerned with novel power law of turbulent energy spectrum and the relevant experiment in tidal current. The power law in the inertial sub-range has been proposed in such a way that the power of the ... -
Numerical Investigation of Flow Structure Interaction Coupling Effects in Hard Disk Drives
(2012-02)This paper studies the flow structural interaction (FSI) within a hard disk drive (HDD) through the use of a novel coupling method. The interaction studied was the fluid induced vibration in the HDD. A two step coupling ... -
On the solutions of field equations due to rotating bodies in General Relativity
(Polytech, 2017-12)A metric, describing the field due to bodies in stationary rotation about their axes and compatible with a stationary electromagnetic field, has been studied in present paper. Using Lie symmetry reduction approach we have ... -
Performances and Rotating Flows of Rotary Jet Pump
(Scientific Research, 2012-11)The rotary jet pumps, namely the pitot pumps, are composed of the rotating casing with the impeller channels and the stationary pick-up tube for discharging, are known as the one of high pressure pumps in the U.S. market. ... -
Principal Components Analysis and Adaptive Decision System Based on Fuzzy Logic for Power Transformer
(Elsevier, 2017-12)Power transformers are the most critical part of power electrical system, distribution and transmission grid. The oil and the insulation system (paper properties) degradation have many chemicals inside them, they are the ... -
The Research of Performance Comparison of Displacement and Mixing Ventilation System in Catering Kitchen
(Scientific Research, 2013-07)A commercial kitchen is a complicated environment where multiple components of a ventilation system including hood exhaust, conditioned air supply, and makeup air systems work together but not always in unison. And the ... -
A Simplified Nonlinear Generalized Maxwell Model for Predicting the Time Dependent Behavior of Viscoelastic Materials
(2011-06)In this paper, a simple nonlinear Maxwell model consisting of a nonlinear spring connected in series with a nonlinear dashpot obeying a power-law with constant material parameters, for representing successfully ... -
Simplifying differential equations concerning degenerate Bernoulli and Euler numbers
(Elsevier, 2018-04)In the paper, the authors significantly and meaningfully simplify two families of nonlinear ordinary differential equations in terms of the Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds.