Mazumder Effect of Liquid and Gas Velocities on Magnitude and Location of Maximum Erosion in U-Bend
Solid particle erosion is a micromechanical process that is influenced by flow geometry, material of the impacting surface, impact angle, particle size and shape, particle velocity, flow condition and fluid properties. Among the various factors, particle size and velocity have been considered to be the most important parameters that cause erosion. Particle size and velocity are influenced by surrounding flow velocities and carrying fluid properties. Higher erosion rates have been observed in gas-solid flow in geometries where the flow direction changes rapidly, such as elbows, tees, valves, etc, due to local turbulence and unsteady flow behaviors. This paper presents the results of a Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation of dilute gas-solid flow through a U-Bend and the dynamics behavior of entrained solid particles in the flow. The effect of liquid and gas velocities on location of erosion were investigated for 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 microns sand particles. Three different fluid velocities of 15, 30.48 and 45 m/s were used in the CFD analysis. The magnitude and location of erosion presented in the paper can be used to determine the areas susceptible to maximum erosive wear in elbows and U-bends, along with corresponding rate of metal loss in these areas.