Now showing items 41-50 of 56
Economics of the System of Rice Intensification on Productivity of Rice among Smallholder Farmers of Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-11)
Rice farming has received considerable attention in developing countries and particularly
in Kenya due to its impact on smallholders’ income and food security. Irrigated rice is the
largest consumer of water and its ...
Drought prevalence in the horn of Africa and its implications on forest cover: a Case Study of Somalia
(University of Embu, 2020-11)
Somalia is one of the most drought prone countries in Africa. Drought is the country’s costliest natural disaster. The impact of drought events on the economy, on people`s livelihoods and on lives has grown. Drought events ...
School Principals’ Administrative Functions and Their Influence on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Secondary Schools in Rangwe Sub County, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2021-09)
The success of the schools in terms of students’ learning outcomes rests on the
principals’ ability to steer the school by implementing administrative functions
effectively. The study aimed at probing the association ...
Bioprospecting for Cyanophages with Biocontrol Potential against Toxin Producing Cyanobacteria in Lake Magadi, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-11)
Cyanobacteria are a phylum of blue-green algae in the domain bacteria that get their energy from sun light through photosynthesis. In anaerobic environments, photoautotrophic blue green algae derive electrons by reduction ...
Influence Of Drought On Interactions Among Aphids, Aphid Predators And Fusarium Infection On Barley Crop In Sweden
(University of Embu, 2022-09-20)
Climate-change leads to extreme droughts, but it is difficult to predict how crop pests are
affected. Drought may alter behavior of crop pests such as aphids that facilitate
transmission of pathogens like Fusarium ...
The Effect of Procurement Practices on Supply Chain Performance of Selected Public Universities in Kenya
(Academic Research Publishing Group, 2020-11)
In any institution, success is majorly determined by the procurement practices adopted and how well these procurement
practices are implemented. The study sought to establish the effect of procurement practices on supply ...
Adoption of Selected Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Lower Eastern Kenya
(University of Embu, 2021-09)
Climate change has greatly affected food production and food security. Erratic
temperature rises and inconsistent precipitation have greatly influenced productivity
of crops and livestock. The impacts have gotten much ...
Productivity and Profitability of Selected Cabbage Varieties Under Varying Drip Irrigation Schedules in Humic Nitisols of Embu County
(UoEM, 2022-08)
The adverse effects of climate change and increasing human population have put pressure
on scarce water resources used in crop production. This consequently threatens the food
and nutritional security of the growing ...
Putative Functions of Novel Antennae Chemosensory Gene Repertoire of Male Tsetse Fly, Glossina Morsitans Morsitans
(UoEm, 2022-11)
Tsetse fly is a primary vector of Human African Trypanosomiasis and Animal African
Trypanosomiasis. Tsetse fly exploits chemical cues from the environment to
distinguish a non- from suitable hosts. Genes in tsetse fly ...
Productivity and profitablity of selected cabbage varieties under varying drip schedules in Humic Nitisols of Embu County.2
The adverse effects of climate change and increasing human population have put pressure
on scarce water resources used in crop production. This consequently threatens the food
and nutritional security of the growing ...