Browsing Masters Theses and Projects by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 156
Adoption of Best Agronomic Practices, Technical Efficiency and Profitability of Sugarcane Production among Smallholders in Malava Sub- County of Kakamega County, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-12-11)Sugarcane crop (Saccharum officinarum) is one of the important industrial crops that are major employers and contributor to the Kenyan economy. Despite the importance attached to this subsector, sugarcane production is ... -
(University of Embu, 2022-08)Banana is one of the most important fruits in Kenya as it contributes to about 32% of the foreign income of the total exported fruits. Despite this contribution, banana farming is facing numerous challenges such as lack ... -
Adoption of Selected Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Lower Eastern Kenya
(University of Embu, 2021-09)Climate change has greatly affected food production and food security. Erratic temperature rises and inconsistent precipitation have greatly influenced productivity of crops and livestock. The impacts have gotten much ... -
Adoption, Productivity and Return on Investment of Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies among Sorghum Farmers in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(UoEm, 2024-09)Declining soil fertility poses a serious threat to food production and food security to most farming households. Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) comprising the combination of organic and mineral fertilizer and ... -
Adsorptive Ability of Banana Stalks Biochar in Greywater Remediation for Reuse: A Case of University of Embu, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-12-11)The global demand for fresh water resources has been increasing over the years due to population growth, urbanization, industrialization, climate change and the global warming effect. The available water resources have ... -
Adsorptive Ability of Banana Stalks Biochar in Greywater Remediation for Reuse: A Case of University of Embu, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-02)The global demand for fresh water resources has been increasing over the years due to population growth, urbanization, industrialization, climate change and the global warming effect. The available water resources have ... -
Agro-morphological and nutritional Characterization of horned melon Accessions from selected agro-ecological Zones in kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-10-26)African horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus) is an indigenous crop belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. The crop has been neglected despite its high potential. Therefore, to conserve the biodiversity of this crop, there ... -
Agro-Morphological and Nutritional Characterization of Horned Melon Accessions from Selected Agro-Ecologicalzones in Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-12)African horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus) is an indigenous crop belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. The crop has been neglected despite its high potential. Therefore, to conserve the biodiversity of this crop, there ... -
An Analysis of the Impact of Agency Banking On Growth of Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Tharaka Nithi County
(Kenyatta University, 2014-11)During school opening days, we have witnessed long queues in the halls of our Commercial Banks arising from the last minute rush by the parents/guardians to pay school fees for their beloved children. In addition, the ... -
Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Secondary Metabolites of Fagaropsis Angolensis (Engl.) H.M. Gardner
(University of Embu, 2020-12-11)Cancer has become a key public health affliction worldwide. Recent studies have shown that genetic factors cause only 5–10% of all human cancers, while the rest are caused by lifestyle. Epidemiological and clinical studies ... -
Application of water quality index to assess water quality in river chania, kiambu county, kenya
(UoEm, 2020-10-15)Human-related activities are known to have deleterious effects on the water quality of aquatic ecosystems globally. However, there is limited information on the impact of similar perturbations in tropical regions, especially ... -
Assessment of Association between Perceived Stigma, Social Support and Substance Abuse among Clients at the Comprehensive Care Centre at the Coast Province General Hospital.
(University of Nairobi, 2014)Introduction: Clients in Comprehensive Care Centres (CCC) usually face stigma and have poor social support which results in poor coping mechanisms including substance (alcohol and illicit drugs) abuse. The prevalence of ... -
Bacterial biological control agents in the management of bacterial wilt(curtobacterium Flaccumfaciens PV.Flaccumfaciens) in the common bean
(UoEm, 2023-08)Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are widely grown throughout the world and provide valuable protein, vitamins and other nutrients. If the challenges related to its production are resolved, food security can be guaranteed ... -
Bacterial Food Contaminants in Vended Fast Foods, Soil and Water in Embu Town, Kenya
(SUSAN WAIRIMU MURIUKI, 2020-11)Ready to eat fast food vending business has grown exponentially however, the microbiological safety of most of these fast foods is questionable. Despite the cholera outbreak in Embu in 2017, diminutive information exists ... -
Bioprospecting for Cyanophages with Biocontrol Potential against Toxin Producing Cyanobacteria in Lake Magadi, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020-11)Cyanobacteria are a phylum of blue-green algae in the domain bacteria that get their energy from sun light through photosynthesis. In anaerobic environments, photoautotrophic blue green algae derive electrons by reduction ... -
(UOEM, 2021)The obligation of meeting current and future mandate of public universities remains a big challenge as the universities are required to work within very tight budgetary constraints. Thus, the objective of financial ... -
Budgetary Controls, Revenue Mobilization, Corporate Governance And Financial Sustainability Among Public Universities In Kenya
(University of Embu, 2022-09-20)The obligation of meeting current and future mandate of public universities remains a big challenge as the universities are required to work within very tight budgetary constraints. Thus, the objective of financial ... -
Capital adequacy,income diversification,competition and liquidity creation of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(2023-08)Banks create liquidity which in turn improves capital allocation and accelerates economic growth. Liquidity creation is essential and critical as it may lead to a stable financial system and provide growth opportunities. ... -
Capital Structure and Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Embu County, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2017-08)Financial decisions affect the financial performance of Small and Medium Enterprises but vary from one firm to another. This is due to the limited access to finances and ability of the manager to fully utilize the resources ... -
Characterisation of smallholder farming systems and greenhouse gas emissions simulation from maize cropping system in tharaka-nithi county, kenya
(COLLINS MUIMI MUSAFIRI, 2020-08)The influence of soil fertility management technologies on crop production has widely been researched in Tharaka-Nithi County. However, data on their contribution towards national greenhouse gas budget is scanty. This study ...