Browsing Journal Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 924
Nematode diversity and its association with soil properties in monocrop pigeon pea
(Elsevier Ltd, 202-07-03)Pigeon pea is a versatile pulse crop grown in semi-arid regions of Kenya; however, its production is affected by plant-parasitic nematodes. The current study was undertaken to investigate the diversity of nematodes and ... -
Urinary Schistosomiasis in two family populations, using school children as tracers
(1988)Two groups of families designated A and B were studied for Schistosoma haematobium infection in Amagunze, Anambra State, Nigeria. The groups were selected on the basis of a preliminary screening of schoolchildren: group A ... -
Photolabelling of Prostaglandin E2 receptor in cardiac sarcolemmnal vesicles
(1990)A [3H]azidophenacyl ester of PGE2 ([3H]azido-PGE2) was synthesized and used to photoaffinity label the protein component of the high affinity PGE2 binding site in cardiac sarcolemma membrane. Photolysis of the isolated ... -
The diagnostic value of haematuria and proteinuria in Schistosoma haematobium infection in Southern Nigeria.
(1992)Haematuria and proteinuria as detected by chemical reagent strips correlated moderately (r=0·7) with prevalence and intensity of infection with Schistosoma haematobium in an area of Anambra State, Nigeria. Differences ... -
Decomposition of Cassia siamea loppings in semiarid Machakos, Kenya
(1994)The rate of decomposition of Cassia siamea Lam. prunings in an alley cropping system was investigated using litter bags in the semiarid area of the Machakos District, Kenya, during the short rains of 1988 and the long rains ... -
The influence of diel climatic cycle on the depth time distribution of phytoplankton and photosynthesis in a shallow equatorial lake (Lake Baringo), Kenya.
(Springer, 1995-05)Lake Baringo is a shallow equatorial lake. This paper reports a diel study of the depth-time distribution of phytoplankton and photosynthesis at one location in Lake Baringo on 10 March 1989. The water column shows a pattern ... -
Predicting decomposition patterns of tree biomass in tropical highland microregions of Kenya
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997)Decomposition- and nitrogen-release patterns of biomass from three agroforestry multipurpose trees (Calliandra calothyrsus, Cordia africana and Grevillea robusta) were investigated in four contrasting environments ... -
Effect of incorporating Cassia siamea prunings on maize yield in an alley cropping trial in semiarid Kenya
(1997)The influence of soil-incorporated Cassia siamea prunings on nutrient status of maize leaves, grain and yield was studied in an alley cropping experiment in semiarid Machakos, Kenya, during the 1988 long and short rainy ... -
Evaluation of Leucaena leucocephala as a source of N for maize
(1997-01)Prunings of leucaena [Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit] have long been regarded as a useful alternative to N fertilizer, but N use efficiency by crops is often low. The potential exists to synchronise nutrient ... -
Temporal changes in phytoplankton structure and composition at the Turkwel Gorge Reservoir, Kenya
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998)Temporal changes in phytoplankton chlorophyll a, composition, diversity, biomass (density and fresh weight) and primary production were investigated at the Turkwel Gorge Reservoir (Kenya) over a two year period (1994 and ... -
The Physico-chemical Conditions of Turkwel Gorge Reservoir, a New Man Made Lake in Northern Kenya
(1999)Variations in some physical, chemical, and nutrient conditions were investigated at Turkwel Gorge Reservoir and its inflowing river, Suam between 1994 and 1995. Seasonal changes in inflow volume had the greatest impact ... -
Alley cropping of maize with calliandra and leucaena in the subhumid highlands of Kenya Part 2. Biomass decomposition, N mineralization, and N uptake by maize
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999-06)A major challenge in developing agroforestry approaches that utilize tree-leaf biomass for provision of N to crops is to ensure synchrony between the N released from decomposing prunings and N demand by crops. A study was ... -
Nitrogen recovery by alley-cropped maize and trees from 15N-labeled tree biomass in the subhumid highlands of Kenya
(Springer-Verlag, 2000-05)The effectiveness of tree-leaf biomass as a source of N to crops in agroforestry systems depends on the rate at which crops can obtain N from the biomass. A study was conducted to determine the fate of 15N labeled, ... -
Cyanotoxin-producing bloom of Anabaena flos-aquae, Anabaena discoidea and Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria) in Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya
(2002)A bloom of Anabaena flos-aquae, Anabaena discoidea and Microcystis aeruginosa, was characterized in Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, near Kisumu, Kenya. According to classical literature data, A. discoidea was considered to ... -
Bioactive steroidal alkaloid glycosides from Selanum aculeastrum.
(2002)Solanum aculeastrum Dunal was investigated for the presence of molluscicidal compounds. This led to the isolation of solaculine A, from the root bark in addition to known steroidal alkaloids; solamargine and beta-solamarine ... -
Identification and distribution of pathogens coinfecting with Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii and Rift Valley fever virus in humans, livestock and wildlife
(Wiley, 2002-01)Zoonotic diseases, such as brucellosis, Q fever and Rift Valley fever (RVF) caused by Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii and RVF virus, respectively, can have devastating effects on human, livestock, and wildlife health ... -
Presenting Oneself as a Nurse: A Social and Professional Reality Construction
(Unisa Press, 2002-11)The paper examined the historical development of nursing education and practice in two selected African countries as a background for analysing the image of nurses and nursing. Mead's (1934) Symbolic InteractionistTheof\' was ... -
molluscicidal and antimicrobial activity of solanum aculeastrum
(2003)The methanolic extract of the fresh root bark and berries of Solanum aculeastrum showed significant activity against host snails of schistosomiasis. The berries extract was more potent with 100% snail kill at 50 ppm. ... -
Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Marine Sediment, Seawater, and Seaplants Along the Kenya-Mombasa Coastline
(Taylor & Francis, 2003)Marine sediment, seawater and several species of seaplants along the Kenya- Mombasa coastal region were analyzed to determine the levels of heavy metals by AAS and EDXRF and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) by GLC-ECD. In ...