Factors Affecting Livestock Marketing In Pastoral Areas of Kenya: A Case Study of Isiolo County
The government of Kenya has made a deliberate effort to market livestock raised by pastoralists
through trade liberalization. However, this has not born much fruits since livestock off-taking is
still low leading to meat shortage. Livestock marketing is important since it leads to improved
pastoralists income through the sale of livestock and livestock products. Most pastoralists earn
their livelihood from livestock keeping. Pastoralists keep livestock for different purposes such as
sources of food, income, mobile banks, social security and for cultural practices. There are
different livestock markets where pastoralists sell their livestock depending on the location.
Livestock marketing is the main household asset and a key productive resource for pastoral
communities living in Isiolo. However, recurrent drought is eroding pastoralists livestock base
and weakening their livelihood and their resilient to climatic shocks. This research investigates
the factors affecting livestock marketing in pastoral areas Isiolo County with a view of selecting
identifying and describing the marketing systems used by pastoralists.