Lipase Production by Lipid Degradng Bacteria Species in Waste Water in Embu, Kenya
Lipids are hydrophobic non polar and made up of hydrocarbon chains. Lipid degrading bacteria
are able to completely remove lipids in waste water by use of lipase enzyme. Other
microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria and molds have been observed to be capable of
degrading lipids completely. High lipid concentration contained in waste water cause clogging of
sewage pipes and this in return results to overflowing of the sewage and bad odour produce by
the waste in the environment. Lipids can be removed through physicochemical techniques
although they are not completely removed and thus lipid degrading bacteria are required for
complete removal of lipids. Since physicochemical processes used to remove the lipids in waste
water treatment are costly, pollute the environment and do not completely remove some
colloidal lipids there is need of using the lipid degrading bacteria which are more effective. The
objectives of this study is to determine lipase production by lipid degrading bacteria species in
waste water in Embu, Kenya, by isolating and purifying the lipid degrading bacteria species ,
determining conditions favourable for lipid degradation and accessing the rate and quantity of
lipase production by the lipid degrading bacteria species. Media containing peptone water, agar
and olive oil was used for enrichment of the bacteria. Serial dilution was done which was
followed by colony counting .Identification of lipid degrading bacteria was carried out using
biochemical test and Gram staining. The observed bacterial isolates were Gram positive, were
able to utilize starch and xylose and some utilized citrate. They were also observed to produce
catalase enzyme.