Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Green Grams Production A Case Study of Small Holder Farmers In Tharaka District
In Kenya over the years production in agriculture has been experiencing a lot of challenges that
have continued to reduce production of green grams due to the inadequate farm output. The main
reason for this study was to find out how socio economic factors affect production of green grams
in Tharaka district. The research objectives were to establish the effects of socio economic factors
in production of green grams and to establish how family labor affects the production. From the
literature reviewed it showed age is a proxy for a farmers experience and proved negatively for
farm yield. High family size enabled the farmers to get ready labor to their farm. It influenced farm
yield positively in the large household. Level of education influenced positively farmers’ abilities
and capabilities adopt and are aware on well informed farming production decision in order to
keep improving on farm yields. This study considered descriptive method, qualitative and
quantitative approach which was used. The targeted population was the farmers in Tharaka district.
The sample size included 40 respondents. The questionnaires were administered to respondents to
collect data from farmers. Frequencies and regression analysis method were used to analyze the
data using statistical package for social science (SPSS). The results showed that there is a positive
relationship between farmers level of education with the farm yields, in this connection the farming
practice opens up the farmers level of understanding of different issues, it influences an individual
or to invest in it, it is of great importance to have more agricultural extension services in the district,
the farmers are aware of new technology and also making the inputs available to all farmers.