Browsing Physics & Mathematics by Title
Now showing items 17-36 of 63
Drilling Operation and Formation Damage
(Scientific Research, 2013-06)Transport of particle suspensions in oil reservoirs is an essential phenomenon in many oil industry processes. Solid and liquid particles dispersed in the drilling fluid (mud) are trapped by the rock (porous medium) and ... -
Effect of Beam Length and Braced Length on Moment-Rotation Behavior of Castellated Beams
(Scientific Research, 2013-09)The presence of web openings in castellated beams introduces different modes of failure at the perforated sections such as excessive stresses in tee-sections, excessive stresses in mid-depth of the web post, web-post ... -
Effect of Curvature of Tip and Convexity of Electrode on Localization of Particles
(Scientific Research, 2015-12)We investigate the effect of curvature of the tip and the convexity of an electrode on the localization of suspended particles under the combined effect of dielectrophoresis and AC electroosmosis through simulations using ... -
Effect of Hub-Ratio on Performance of Asymmetric Dual-Rotor Small Axial Fan
(Scientific Research, 2013-07)Currently, domestic and abroad scholars put more attention on contra-rotating dual-rotor axial fan. But there is less scholars study on asymmetric dual-rotor small axial fan, which is one of the contra-rotating dual-rotor ... -
Effect of liquid nitrogen pre-treatment on various types of wool waste fibres for biogas production
(Elsevier, 2018-04)This study investigated the role of liquid nitrogen (LN2) in increasing microbial accessibility of wool proteins for biogas production. It involves a mechanical size reduction of four different types of raw wool fibres, ... -
The Effect of Variations in Ionic Conductance Values on the Suppression of Repetitive Spiking in a Mathematical Model of Type-A Medial Vestibular Nucleus Neurons
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2016-06)A previous study has proposed a mathematical model of type-A medial vestibular nucleus neurons (mVNn). This model is described by a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, which is based on the Hodgkin-Huxley ... -
Effects of Orbital Motion on the Boundary Layer Flow on a Spinning Disk
(Scientific Research, 2012-12)The objective of this study is to experimentally examine the effects of orbital motion on the boundary layer flow on a spinning disk. The boundary layer flow on the disk is visualized by the oil flow method, and velocity ... -
Elementary Thermal Operations
(2018-02)To what extent do thermodynamic resource theories capture physically relevant constraints? Inspired by quantum computation, we define a set of elementary thermodynamic gates that only act on 2 energy levels of a system ... -
Estimating a Falsified Model
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2016-07)It is common econometric practice to propose a system of equations, termed the “structure,” estimate each endogenous variable in the structure via a linear regression with all of the exogenous variables as arguments, and ... -
Exact solutions for nonlinear integro-partial differential equations using the generalized Kudryashov method
(Elsevier, 2017-10)In this research, we construct the traveling wave solutions for some nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics. New solutions such as soliton solutions are found. The method used is the generalized Kudryashov ... -
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Plate-Type Heat Exchanger Performance
(Scientific Research, 2015-03)Low-grade Thermal Energy Conversion (LTEC) is a potential source of renewable energy. One of its forms is the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) in which the temperature difference between the warm surface water and ... -
Experimental Research on Damage Parameter of Concrete in Non-Uniform Stress Field
(2011-06)The damage variables of describing the material damage state should be chosen first when the research of concrete structures by use of theory of damage theory. The method of calculation of damage parameter by the measure ... -
A Fatigue Analysis of a Hydraulic Francis Turbine Runner
(2012-02)In this work, the estimation of crack initiation life of a hydraulic Francis turbine runner is presented. The life prediction is based on the local strain approach to predict the initiation life. First, the analysis is ... -
A Finite Element Approximation of the Stokes Equations
(2011-12)In this work, a numerical solution of the incompressible Stokes equations is proposed. The method suggested is based on an algorithm of discretization by the unstable of Q1 – P0 velocity/pressure finite element ... -
Flexible perovskite based X-ray detectors for dose monitoring in medical imaging applications
(Elsevier, 2018-06)Organometallic halide perovskite materials are attracting considerable interest for high performance photovoltaic and photodetector applications due to their exceptional opto-electronic properties and easy processing ... -
A Foundation for Lorentz Force Based on Vibrating Strings as a Compact Fluid
(Scientific research, 2014-08)Several aspects related with Lorentz force are discussed in the light of the presence of vibrating strings. Strings are considered as a compact, tension and viscosity-free incompressible liquid. The motion of a charge ... -
A hypothesis of series resonance in the white matter for understanding the mechanism of spike-wave seizures
(Elsevier, 2018-03)Generalized epilepsy is accompanied by large-amplitude synchronized spike-wave discharges on electroencephalography. The condition rapidly and synchronously involves most regions of the brain, but the mechanism underlying ... -
Impact of the Housing on the Air Flow and the Thermal Behavior of an Automotive Clutch System
(Scientific Research, 2015-03)New directives and increasing competition push automakers to get better performances (engine power increase), along with mass and size reduction (consumption). These evolutions lead to an increase of the thermal solicitations ... -
Improvement of Open-Circuit Voltage in Organic Photovoltaic Cells with Chemically Modified Indium-Tin Oxide
(Scientific research, 2013-12)The possibility of the increase in open-circuit voltage of organic photovoltaic cells based primarily indium-tin oxide (ITO)/rubrene/fullerene/Al structure by changing the work function of ITO anodes and Al cathodes was ... -
Integration by parts identities in integer numbers of dimensions. A criterion for decoupling systems of differential equations
(Elsevier, 2015-12)Integration by parts identities (IBPs) can be used to express large numbers of apparently different d-dimensional Feynman Integrals in terms of a small subset of so-called master integrals (MIs). Using the IBPs one can ...