Browsing Social Sciences & Humanities by Title
Now showing items 12-31 of 90
Balancing Scales of Language Injustice
(Scientific Research, 2015-01)This paper addresses the ways in which our everyday usage of the common phrase “people of color” perpetuates a basic inequality in language use. A suggestion to eliminate inequality in teaching is proposed. -
Borders by Proxy, Europe’s Aggressive Border Restrictions and the Perils of Young African Migrants
(Scientific Research, 2015-04)The intrinsic challenges in the intersection of international laws and codes of praxis with respect to the operation of EU states’ border officials towards migrant individuals, to be specific, migrant African youth, is ... -
Burnout as Alienation in the Counselling Field: The Descent from Homo-Faber to Homo-Economous
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2016-04-08)The concepts burnout and alienation are routinely connected in a linear unproblematic trajectory (Tomei et al., 2011) perpetuating more of an ideological conflation than providing any insight into either concept. This ... -
Capacity Development for smallholder Irrigation in Kenya
(Published online in Wiley InterScience (, 2008-05)This paper presents the experiences on capacity development for irrigation in Kenya, drawing from a study of sevensmallholder irrigation schemes, namely: New Mutaro, Emening, Mitunguu, Ng’uuru Gakirwe, Lari, Mukuria-Kyambogo ... -
Characterological Correlates of Selfie Taking Behavior
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2018-06-29)Few researchers have examined selfie taking behavior. To address this gap, 235 participants (age 18 - 60) completed an online questionnaire assessing a variety of psychological factors, personality traits, and selfie ... -
(Scientific Research, 2018-02)As children grow, so this paper develops many themes that children and we all love, coherently yet freely, and attractively as children are enthralling. -
Clocks, Watches and Timepieces: The Ace Bio-Political Tools
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2014-03-04)“’s my hypothesis that the individual is not a pre-given entity which is seized on by the exercise of power. The individual, with his identity and characteristics, is the product of a relation of power exercised ... -
A code for 3D calculations of the output characteristics for a single-cell thermionic fuel element of thermionic nuclear power plants for different applications
(2017-08)R&D has been conducted by a cooperation of Rosatom State Corporation’s enterprises to build a line of autonomous small nuclear power plants (SNPP) of up to 1 MW el to support government programs ... -
Concerns Involving the Self: What Is the Real Target of Anxiety, Regret, or Worry, When Things Do Not Go Right for You? More Evidence from Sweden and the United States
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2018-06-29)More than 1000 respondents in Sweden (2013) and the US (2014) were asked to report their subjective opinions and attitudes about situations that caused them regret, concern, worry, and anxiety. US respondents self-identified ... -
The Constitution of Somaliland: The Problem of Constitutional Generations and Clan Dissolution
(Scientific Research, 2015-10)This paper outlines the history, formation and general principles of the 2001 Somaliland Constitution. The people of Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991 returning to the boundaries that had marked the ... -
The Construction and Standardization of a Domestic Violence Questionnaire
(Scientific Research, 2014-01)The purpose of this research was to standardize the self-reported domestic violence scale. 530 participants were randomly selected via clustered sampling methods from married students of The Islamic Azad University of ... -
Counselling: The Current Opium of the People?
(Scientific Research, 2015-04)Western religion’s propensity to stultify holiness and the sacred is eclipsed in the profession of counselling. With its fundamentalist enthralment with the individual self, this poster-girl of liberalism, through its ... -
Criteria of return on investment in nuclear energy
(Elsevier, 2017-08)Analytical relationships between the investment performance criteria (net present value (NPV), levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), internal rate of return (IRR), discounted payback period (TPB), and discounted costs ... -
Determining The Motivating Factors For The General Use Of Social Media Amongst Tourists To South Africa
(2016-01)The remarkable growth in information technology has led businesses to appreciate the power and potential of online marketing, rather than merely focussing their promotional activities and goals on production and sales. ... -
Development of Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching by Using the Innovation of Lesson Study and Open Approach
(Scientific Research, 2014-10)This research was under context of professional development for mathematics teacher by using the innovation of lesson study and open approach project implemented by the Center for Research in Mathematics Education, Faculty ... -
“Do Not Weep” (Luke 7: 13): In the Footstep of the Compassionate Jesus
(Scientific Research, 2014-08)The divine image, which every human being bears as a result of God’s benevolence at creation, attracts us to the Divine. Human beings are religious by nature and in order to fully realise themselves as humans they have ... -
Do We Have an Inborn Moral Sense?
(Scientific Research, 2014-11)This paper reviews some recent work in the relationship between caring behavior among humans, an evolutionary adaptation necessary for survival of the species, and our moral sense of right and wrong. The investigation ... -
Dollarization in East Africa: Causes, Consequences, and Future Forecasts
(2017-02)The dollarization phenomenon has been widespread among the East African countries for many decades. This trend results in several consequences that might be either beneficial or harmful to these countries and their ... -
Economic and Cultural Peripheralization in the Eurozone
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2013-11-22)Copyright © 2014 Antonio Luigi Paolilli. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the ... -
The Effective Power of Music in Africa
(Scientific Research, 2015-03)This article investigates the role of music in Africa. The study is primarily motivated by the fact that music plays an indispensable role in the being of Africans at work, in politics, in their socioeconomic engagements, ...