Masters Theses and Projects: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 156
Mathematical Modelling of Host-Pest Interaction in the Presence of Insecticides and Resistance
(UoEm, 2024-09)Several pest management programs have been developed to control the rising agricultural pest populations. However, the challenge of rapid evolution and pest resistance towards the control measures continues to cause high ... -
Adoption, Productivity and Return on Investment of Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies among Sorghum Farmers in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(UoEm, 2024-09)Declining soil fertility poses a serious threat to food production and food security to most farming households. Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) comprising the combination of organic and mineral fertilizer and ... -
Procurement Practices and Value for Money in State Corporations in Kenya
(UoEm, 2024-09)Public procurement related expenditure is approximately fifty to seventy percent of the national budget of developing countries and represents close to 33% of the GDP. Mindful of the huge assets committed in open acquirement, ... -
Implementation of A Hybrid Model Using K-Means Clustering and Artificial Neural Networks for Risk Prediction in Life Insurance
(UoEm, 2024-09)Accurate assessment of the risk posed by prospective policyholders is crucial for life insurance companies to effectively price policies and manage long-term liabilities. However, the complexity of risk factors makes relying ... -
Discursive Construction of Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya's Newspaper Headlines
(UoEm, 2024-09)This thesis explores the discursive construction of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya's newspaper headlines. This study was guided by the following objectives: to examine how metaphors were used to discursively construct the ... -
Putative Functions of Novel Antennae Chemosensory Gene Repertoire of Male Tsetse Fly, Glossina morsitans morsitans
(BILLIAH KEMUNTO BWANA, 2022-11)Tsetse fly is a primary vector of Human African Trypanosomiasis and Animal African Trypanosomiasis. Tsetse fly exploits chemical cues from the environment to distinguish a non- from suitable hosts. Genes in tsetse fly ... -
Factors Affecting Adoption and Effect of Irrigation Technologies on Productivity and Profitability among Small-scale Farmers in Machakos County, Kenya
(Mary Muluki Kithome, 2022-09)Agricultural productivity has been significantly impacted by climate change and variability. Because of their reliance on rain-fed agriculture Kenya's small-scale farmers have been severely impacted by the climate change ... -
Bacterial Food Contaminants in Vended Fast Foods, Soil and Water in Embu Town, Kenya
(SUSAN WAIRIMU MURIUKI, 2020-11)Ready to eat fast food vending business has grown exponentially however, the microbiological safety of most of these fast foods is questionable. Despite the cholera outbreak in Embu in 2017, diminutive information exists ... -
Soil carbon stocks and greenhouse gas fluxes quantification in selected smallholder farmers' land utilization types of Siaya county, Kenya
(Esphorn Kibet, 2022-09)The up-surging population in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has led to the conversion of forests to agricultural land leading to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The resilient land utilization types are key in soil carbon ... -
Inheritance patterns of morphological Characters and the karyotype of crotalaria Species in kenya
(Mercy Achieng Wasonga, 2020-11)Slender leaf (Crotalaria spp.) is an African indigenous leafy vegetable with high nutritional benefits. However, despite these benefits, this vegetable has been neglected in terms of research, and information on breeding ... -
Characterisation of smallholder farming systems and greenhouse gas emissions simulation from maize cropping system in tharaka-nithi county, kenya
(COLLINS MUIMI MUSAFIRI, 2020-08)The influence of soil fertility management technologies on crop production has widely been researched in Tharaka-Nithi County. However, data on their contribution towards national greenhouse gas budget is scanty. This study ... -
Effect of Tillage Methods and Nutrient Application Levels on Soil Properties and Soghum and Greengram Yields in Siakago, Embu County, Kenya
(LILY GICUKU NJIRU, 2024-08)Declining soil fertility is a significant constraint to sorghum and green gram yields for smallholder farmers in semi-arid regions of Kenya. This research was carried out in Siakago, Embu County, Kenya, with the aim of ... -
Modeling exchange rate fluctuation on tourism demand
(Abraham Kipkemei Maiyo, 2024-08)This research examined the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on tourism demand in Kenya using Vector Autoregressive (VAR) and Bayesian Structural Time Series (BSTS) models. Secondary data from 2010 to 2023 was sourced ... -
Market efficiency, choice of marketing channel and supply of macadamia among small holder farmers in embu west sub-county
(Kelvin Murimi Nthiga, 2024-08)In Kenya horticulture contributes greatly to the economy and particularly nuts play a crucial role in income generation with macadamia production been ranked among the top enterprises. The crop leads to job creation and ... -
Quantification of greenhouse gas fluxes from selected cropping systems under on farm conditions in tharaka-nithi, kenya
(Ezekiel Lemarpe Shaankua, 2024-03)The smallholder cropping systems have an adverse effect on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the ecosystems due to varied contribution to the GHG budgets. Further, the uncertainty on the contribution of an individual ... -
Risk-based internal audit, corporate governance and financial performance of deposit taking cooperative societies in nairobi metropolis, kenya
(Julius Kimia Nyerere, 2024-08)Through a risk-based internal audit (RBIA), companies can use internal audit capabilities to improve management and control of risks. It also improves the accountability and accuracy of financial statements. This study ... -
The success of eco-engineering mangrove restoration in a high energy area, at gazi bay, kenya
(Gladys Kinya, 2024-08)Mangroves and their ecosystem offer a range of globally recognized benefits, yet they continue to be lost and degraded. Efforts to restore lost mangroves using conventional methods in high-energy areas result in low ... -
Synthesis of Luminescent sral2o4:Eu2+,Dy3+ Nanomaterials for Emergency Displays
(Victor Saidi Kadenge, 2024-08)SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ are phosphors with unique tuneable properties. This work comprises of several aspects of strontium-aluminate phosphor doped with rare earth metal ions (SrAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+). In particular the optical and ... -
In-host Density-dependent Model of High-risk HPV Virions, Basal Cells, and Lymphocytes T-cells Incorporating Functional Responses
(ELOSY MAKENA, 2024-08)Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and it is caused mostly by high-risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and continues to spread at an alarming rate. While HPV impacts have been investigated before, there ... -
Kenya’s Macroeconomic Policies and Trade Efficiency the East African Community
(Anthony Njoroge Muriu, 2024-08)Despite Kenya dominating trade volumes in the East African Community (EAC), it has been trading below its potential within the region. This is also in spite of the increased scope of the country’s trade opportunities ...