Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Factors Influencing Adoption of Improved Cultivars of Macadamia (Macadamia spp.) among Small-Scale Farmers in Embu County, Kenya
(Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2021-10)
The study investigated the factors influencing adoption of improved cultivars
of macadamia (Macadamia spp.) among small-scale farmers in Embu
County, Kenya. Data was collected from a sample of 384 small-scale farmers
obtained ...
Determinants of adoption and adoption intensity of integrated soil fertility management technologies among sorghum farmers in Upper Eastern Kenya
(UoEm, 2023-08-03)
Climate change manifestations and population pressure are some of the most
critical challenges that affect agricultural productivity. Integrated soil fertility
management (ISFM) technologies are among the agricultural ...
Factors Affecting Multiple Climate Change Adaptation Practices of Smallholder Farmers in lower Eastern Kenya
(Journal of Agricultural Extension, 2021-10)
The study investigated the socioeconomic and institutional factors influencing uptake of multiple climate change adaptation practices among smallholder farmers in lower Eastern Kenya. Multistage sampling procedure was used ...