Now showing items 1-10 of 591
Agronomic Performance of Single Crosses of Maize in Kiambu and Embu Counties of Kenya
Aims: This study was conducted to determine the agronomic performance of respective maize
single crosses in different environments in varying soil and climatic zones in Kenya.
Methodology: The trials were conducted at ...
Effects of biocontrol bacteria and earthworms on the severity of Alternaria brassicae disease and the growth of oilseed rape plants
(Elsevier, 2017-04)
Biological control of plant diseases through the addition of microbial biocontrol agents and the promotion of
earthworms can be an environmentally friendly alternative to the chemical control of plant diseases. ...
Numerical simulation of the deterministic model of the under-five year’s pneumonia in Kenya
In this paper the numerical simulation of the childhood pneumonia deterministic model are determined. The estimated parameters and the under-five year’s population data for year 2013 was used to simulate the developed ...
Influence of Value Based Management on Strategic Renewal of Insurance Firms in Kenya
(Strategic Journals, 2018-08)
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of value based management on the strategic renewal of insurance firms in Kenya. Two dimensions of strategic renewal were studied: the insurance firms’ deliberate ...
Determination of Post Striga Attachment Resistance in Selected Resistant Sorghum Lines in Kenya
(International Knowledge Press, 2017-05)
Breeding for Striga resistance in sorghum and other cereals is recognized as the most sustainable control
measure, however there is a lack of cereal germplasm that exhibit post attachment to Striga that limits this ...
Organizational Culture and Implementation of Electronic Project Monitoring Information System in Public Tertiary Institutions in Kenya
This article highlights the influence of
organisational culture on implementation
of electronic project monitoring
information system (e-ProMIS) in public
tertiary institutions. It is based on literature
review and ...
Morphological variation of Ridged Frogs of the Taita Hills, Kenya
(Firenze University Press, 2011-12)
Comparing of morphological character variation within taxa continues to
play an important role in improving species inventories. Using morphometrical and
non-meristic morphological adult characters, the diversity of the ...
Trophic interactions among soil arthropods in contrasting land-use systems in Kenya, studied with stable isotopes
(Elsevier, 2017-04)
Understanding how land use intensification changes organism communities and trophic
interactions in soil is important for development of sustainable agriculture and forestry.
We analysed the food web of soil arthropods ...
Modeling Scramble for other tribes votes by the three main tribal voting blocs in Kenya Presidential elections
A deterministic model was formulated to describe the tribal based voting blocs in Kenya presidential politics using four compartmental classes: Kikuyu (K), Luo (L), AKalenjin (A) and other tribes (T). The first order ...
Evaluation of prokaryotic diversity of five hot springs in Eritrea
(BioMed Central, 2017-09)
Background: Total community rDNA was used to determine the diversity of bacteria and archaea from water, wet
sediment and microbial mats samples of hot springs in the Eastern lowlands of Eritrea. The temperatures of ...