Browsing Training/Workshops/Seminars/Conferences by Title
Now showing items 4-23 of 24
Determinants of Contraceptive Uptake among Youths Aged 18-25 Years in Nakuru County
(2016)Introduction Globally, there are over 1.8 billion young people and nearly 90 percent of whom live in developing countries. The age-range 18 to 24 is a period when most people begin to actively explore their sexuality ... -
Determinants of Place of Delivery among Women of Child Bearing Age Seeking Child Welfare Services in Kandara Sub County, Murang’a County
(2015)Introduction Worldwide, half a million women die each year from pregnancy and childbirth related complications. Over 90% of these deaths occur in developing countries, including Sub-Saharan Africa (Oguntunde et al., ... -
Determinants of Postpartum Care Uptake among Women (18 – 49 Years) in Kandara Sub County Muranga County – Kenya
(2015)Introduction Worldwide, half a million women die each year from pregnancy and childbirth related complications. Over 90% of these deaths occur in developing countries, including Sub-Saharan Africa (Oguntunde et al., ... -
HIV and Aids Prevention Campaign and Wellness Clinics Report
(2016-06-08)This report covers the events of a one day HIV&AIDs Campaign and wellness Clinic held on Wednesday 8th June, 2016 at Embu University College. The Campaign aimed to sensitize all members of staff and their families on HIV ... -
Proceedings from 10th Annual Decolonizing Conference
(2017-04)Humanity continues to seek solutions to global and local challenges as well as advancing knowledge and innovations to enhance wellness. In such endeavors, there is continued misconstruction that interpretation of indigenous ... -
Proceedings from the first Annual International Conference on Decolonizing Education
(University of Embu, 2020-02)Decolonizing formal education involves accepting indigenous and alternative ways of envisioning the world around us. For academics, it would entail accepting indigenous perspectives, ways of knowing and wisdom, ... -
Proceedings of First Annual Postgraduate Seminar Held on May 25, 2017 at University of Embu
(University of Embu, 2017-05-25)The First Annual Postgraduate Seminar of the University of Embu was held at the University’s Charter Hall on 25th May 2017. The one day seminar brought together thirty-five members of academic staff, one external supervisor ... -
Proceedings of the First Proposal and Thesis Writing Workshop
(2015-07)The first Proposal and Thesis Writing Workshop for postgraduate students at Embu University College was held on 16th to 17th July 2015. The workshop brought together 84 postgraduate students who were trained on research ... -
Proceedings of the Second Proposal and Thesis Writing Workshop for M.A, MSc, MBA, M.Ed. and Ph.D. Students
(Board of Postgraduate Studies University of Embu, 2018-04)The Second Proposal and Thesis Writing Workshop was held on 26th April 2018 in the Charter Hall at the University of Embu (UoEm). The workshop aimed to equip postgraduate students with the skills required for proposal ... -
Proceedings of the sixth Postgraduate Students Workshop on Publishing
(University of Embu, 2021-05-27)A one-day postgraduate students’ workshop on publishing was held on 27th May 2021. It brought together 139 participants comprising 110 postgraduate students ,17 academic staff members and 12 non-academic staff members ... -
Proceedings of the Third Publishing Workshop for MSc, MBA, M.Ed. students and Ph.D. Students
(Board of Postgraduate Studies University of Embu, 2017-12)The Third Postgraduate Publishing Workshop was held on 19th December 2017 in the Computer Laboratory at the University of Embu. The workshop aimed to equip postgraduate students with the skills required for thesis writing ... -
Quality Teaching and Learning, Assessment Technology and Innovativeness in Virtual Environments
(UoEm, 2023-11-02)Quality Teaching & Learning, , -
Thesis Proposal
(2015) -
Thesis Writing/Defence