Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Influence of Value Based Management on Strategic Renewal of Insurance Firms in Kenya
(Strategic Journals, 2018-08)
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of value based management on the strategic renewal of insurance firms in Kenya. Two dimensions of strategic renewal were studied: the insurance firms’ deliberate ...
Influence of Resource Based Management on Strategic Renewal of Insurance Firms in Kenya
(Strategic Journals, 2018-08)
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of resource based management on the strategic renewal of insurance firms in Kenya. Two dimensions of strategic renewal were studied: the insurance firms’ deliberate ...
People’s perception on climate change and its effects on livelihood in Kitui County
(ISDS LLC, 2018-07)
This paper examines people’s perception on climate change and the effect of the changing climate on their livelihood
in Kitui County. Kitui County is a semi-arid region which experiences long dry spells that make a large ...
Contributions of Selected Classroom Factors on Bullying Among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Kenya.
(The International Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2018-09)
Bullying is a major challenge in secondary schools in Kenya. The vice is practised underground among students thus
many students experience high level of bullying without the knowledge of teachers and parents.The study ...
Untangling the Complex Training and Qualifications System in Kenya
A national qualification framework (NQF) is an instrument used to classify a country’s
qualifications at different levels. Each level is defined by a set of learning outcomes expected
at that level. NQFs are an extremely ...
Influence of Strategies on Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities in Kirimari Ward in Embu County, Kenya
The purpose of the study was establishing the influence of the strategies on empowerment of persons with disabilities in Embu County. The study was guided by the following objectives; To establish the influence of inclusive ...