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dc.contributor.authorNjau, Serah Nyawira
dc.contributor.authorGepts, Paul
dc.contributor.authorParker, Travis A.
dc.contributor.authorDuitama, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorArunga, Edith Esther
dc.identifier.citationDOI 10.3389/fpls.2024.1422957en_US
dc.description.abstractPod quality and yield traits in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) influence consumer preferences, crop adoption by farmers, and the ability of the product to be commercially competitive locally and globally. The objective of the study was to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) for pod quality and yield traits in a snap × dry bean recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. A total of 184 F6 RILs derived from a cross between Vanilla (snap bean) and MCM5001 (dry bean) were grown in three field sites in Kenya and one greenhouse environment in Davis, CA, USA. They were genotyped at 5,951 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and composite interval mapping was conducted to identify QTL for 16 pod quality and yield traits, including pod wall fiber, pod string, pod size, and harvest metrics. A combined total of 44 QTL were identified in field and greenhouse trials. The QTL for pod quality were identified on chromosomes Pv01, Pv02, Pv03, Pv04, Pv06, and Pv07, and for pod yield were identified on Pv08. Co-localization of QTL was observed for pod quality and yield traits. Some identified QTL overlapped with previously mapped QTL for pod quality and yield traits, with several others identified as novel. The identified QTL can be used in future marker-assisted selection in snap bean.en_US
dc.subjectQTL mappingen_US
dc.subjectPod qualityen_US
dc.subjectPod yielden_US
dc.subjectVegetable industryen_US
dc.subjectSnap beanen_US
dc.subjectPod stringen_US
dc.subjectPod fibreen_US
dc.titleQTL mapping for pod quality and yield traits in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)en_US

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