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dc.contributor.authorKaranja, John Gakuu
dc.contributor.authorMwangi, Anthony Kiragu
dc.contributor.authorNyakarimi, Samuel N.
dc.identifier.citationResearch Journal of Finance and Accounting 5 (11), 34-41en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to analyze the factors influencing access to credit services by women entrepreneurs in Kenya; a case of Isiolo town. Entrepreneurship has been regarded as a major contributing factor to the economic growth and poverty alleviation both in urban and rural areas. Organizations for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports indicate growing phenomena of women entrepreneurship both in developed and developing countries. In some countries, women-owned businesses are increasing at a very rapid pace in terms of both numbers and turnover. The scope of the study was selected from financial lending institutions in Isiolo County and women entrepreneurs targeting those who are members or have accounts in these financial institutions. There are 6 registered FIs operating within the Isiolo town which has a total of 18 management employees and 20 registered women entrepreneurs. The researcher conducted a census on the FIs managers and as well as women entrepreneurs in Isiolo town from the target population. To analyze the data, the researcher applied the chi-square testing the hypothesis of the study. The study recommends that the financial institutions should establish lending procedures which will attract women entrepreneurs and accommodate them in access of credit. It also recommended that the financial institutions should encourage the use of affordable collaterals that will ensure that women entrepreneurs are able to access credit. Lack of affordability collateral was one of the challenges that was highlighted as hindrances to women accessing credit. The financial institutions should ensure that they train women entrepreneurs on investment opportunities in order to increase purposes of credit for women entrepreneurs. This will ensure women entrepreneurs will always have a purpose to do with credit advanced to them by financial institutions.en_US
dc.subjectLending proceduresen_US
dc.subjectCollateral requirementsen_US
dc.subjectPurpose of the loanen_US
dc.subjectAccess to credit servicesen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of factors influencing access to credit services by women entrepreneurs in Kenyaen_US

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