Now showing items 1-10 of 29
Factors Influencing Financial Sustainability of Microfinanc Institution in Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020)
Giving poor the entree of financial facilities as a means of eradicating poverty in past decade has
gain fame. This resulted after emergence of model that have revealed increasing victory in term of
capability to reach ...
The Effect of Financial Innovation on the Growth and Performance of Saccos in Embu County
(University of Embu, 2020)
In the current modern world financial innovation has since shown a significant influence on the
growth and performance of SACCOS in the whole globe. The impact caused by financial
innovation can either be positive or ...
Electronic Banking on Customer Satisfaction on Embu Family Bank
(University of Embu, 2020)
This study presents what effects electronic banking ha on customer satisfaction in comparing with
traditional brick and mortar banking service, its relationship with that of age, occupation an
occupation, its effects on ...
Financial Distress and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020)
In my study the main objective is to determine the financial distress on the commercial banks and
how this affects the financial performance. This is going to apply data for a period of 3 years from
2016 to 2018 whereby ...
Integrated Financial Management Information System Implementation and Public Finance Management in Embu County, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020)
Sound integrated financial management information(IFMIS) cannot as it were offer assistance creating nation government pick up successful control over their funds ,but too upgrade straightforwardness and responsibility, ...
Logistics Management Strategies on Financial Performance of Distributors of Fast Moving Consumer Goods: A case study of East Africa Breweries products
(University of Embu, 2020)
This study sought to identify the effects of logistics management strategies on financial performance of distributors of fast moving consumer goods. The study will aid management in the steps towards developing logistic ...
Electronic Banking and the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks
(University of Embu, 2020)
The banking industry has experienced notable transformation especially through technology and innovation. Most banks have adopted E-banking services which have been convenient to customers in accessing financial services. ...
Effect of Financial Liberalization on Real Estate Prices in Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020)
The study established the impact of financial liberalization of real estate prices in Kenya. The study established the effect of central bank rates, commercial bank lending rates and inflation rates on real estate prices ...
Financial Management Practices on the Performance of Saccos in Kenya
(University of Embu, 2020)
The determination of this study was to investigate the effects of financial management practices on the financial performance of Saccos in Kenya. The study was aimed at attaining three specific objectives; to evaluate the ...
Financial Innovation and Non-Funded Income of Commercial Bank in Kenya.
(University of Embu, 2020)
Technology based financial innovation has had a great impact on the financial industry as a whole over the past few decades. It has presented the banking sector with an opportunity to increase the revenue base. This study ...