Browsing Department of Business by Title
Now showing items 28-47 of 102
Effects of Debt Recovery Techniques on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Embu Town
(University of Embu, 2020)The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of debt recovery techniques on financial performance of SMEs. The study objectives were to examine the effect of account transactions, guarantors and the effect of ... -
Effects of Electronic Tax Filing O Tax Compliance among Small and Medium Enterprises in Embu County, Kenya.
(University of Embu, 2019)Small and medium-sized enterprises have been shown to play a very critical role in the Kenyan economy due to the fact that they provide employment opportunities to millions of Kenyans. The following research thus analyzed ... -
The Effects of Financial Innovation on the Financial Performance of the Microfinance Institutions in Embu County, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2019)In many developing countries, MFTs play a very important role in their economy development they achieved this by, providing various types of financial products and financial services to the less fortunate, micro ... -
Effects of Insurance Claims Settlement Cost, Commission Expenses, Insurance Market Share, and Reinsurance Costs on Profitability of Insurance Companies in Kenya: Case Study of CIC Insurance Companies in Embu County
(University of Embu, 2019)The main objective of this study was to establish the effects of claim cost settlement, commission expenses market share, and reinsurance costs on profitability in the insurance sector in Keny a. In spite of the sector ... -
The Effects of Interest Rates on Profitability of Microfinancial Institutions in Kenya Embu County: Case Study of Faulu Bank
(University of Embu, 2020)This study seeks to examine the impact of interest rates on Profitability of MFIs a study case of Faulu Bank. The main objectives were to assess the impacts of mortgage interests on MFIs profitability, to assess effect ... -
Effects of internal audit functions on performance of saccos in embu county
(UoEm, 2024-01-30)This research project was meant to explore the effects of internal audit functions on the performance of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) in Embu County, Kenya. The study was mainly focused on assessing the role ... -
Effects of Internal Control on Fraud Detection and Prevention among Commercial Banks in Embu County, Kenya
(University of Embu, 2019)This study will tend to investigate internal control effects on detection and prevention on fraud in commercial bank in Embu County.The study will sought to investigate the effect of internal controls on fraud detection ... -
Effects of Internal Controls in the Detection of Frauds in Public Institutions a Case Study of the University of Embu
(University of Embu, 2019)There has been a rise in the cases of fraud in the public institutions and in some the occurrence of this issue becomes repeated like in the case of NYS. In the fraud issues some of the top management employees have been ... -
Effects of Liquidity Risk Management and the Financial Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Embu County
(University of Embu, 2019)The financial sector comprises of various institutions such as banks, micro finance institutions, Sacco's, pension schemes among others. Sacco's have i11 a great way helped in the improvement and also growth of the Kenyan ... -
Effects of management accounting on financial performance on manufacturing firms in kenya [ktda and keroche breweries].
(UoEm, 2024-01-30)This research project aimed at analyzing the effects of management accounting on the financial performance of two manufacturing firms in Kenya; KTDA and Keroche Breweries. The study purposed to identify the financial ... -
Effects of Management Reporting on the Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Thika
(University of Embu, 2019)The study was aimed at examining the effect of management reporting on the financial performance of manufacturing companies (MCs) in Thika. The specific objectives are to determine the effects of budgeting, costing system ... -
Effects of marketing promotional tools on perfomance of rental office properties in embu county, kenya.
(UoEm, 2024-01-30)This study's main goal is to ascertain how marketing promotional tools—such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling—affect the performance of office rental properties in Embu County, Kenya. ... -
Effects of Mobile Money Services on SME Performance: A Case of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Embu County
(University of Embu, 2019)The study sought to investigate the effect of mobile phone-based money transfer services on Small and Medium Enterprises' financial performance in Kenya. The objectives of this study were; to determine if mobile money ... -
Effects of taxation on economic performance a case sof embu county government
(UoEm, 2024-01-30)The main objective of this proposal/ study was to identify and analyze the effects of taxation on economic performance in Embu county government. There are different types of taxes i.e. income tax which is mainly imposed ... -
Effects of technological innovations on the financial performance of commercial banks in embu.
(UoEm, 2024-01-30)This research project sought to evaluate the effects of technological innovations on the financial performance of commercial banks in Embu. The research was motivated by the fact that commercial banks play an essential ... -
Effects of technological innovations on the financial performance of the banking industry
(UoEm, 2024-01-30)The purpose of the research is to respond to the question, "How do developing digital technologies influence the efficiency of the banking system in Kenya?" 42 commercial banks participated as of the study's conclusion ... -
Effects of virtual marketing on consumer behaviour among agricultural small-scale farmers
(UoEm, 2024-01-30)Due to the increased access to the internet worldwide, most businesses have decided to move from the usual analog marketing techniques such as face-to-face marketing to the use of virtual/digital marketing. This has led ... -
Electronic Banking and the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks
(University of Embu, 2020)The banking industry has experienced notable transformation especially through technology and innovation. Most banks have adopted E-banking services which have been convenient to customers in accessing financial services. ... -
Electronic Banking on Customer Satisfaction on Embu Family Bank
(University of Embu, 2020)This study presents what effects electronic banking ha on customer satisfaction in comparing with traditional brick and mortar banking service, its relationship with that of age, occupation an occupation, its effects on ... -
Electronic Tendering Adoption and Procurement Performance of Public Institutions: a case of National Housing Corporation
(University of Embu, 2019)The objective of this study was to explore factors which influence adoption of electronic tendering on performance of procurement in National housing corporation and the relationship between e-tendering and procurement ...