Browsing Articles: Department of Water and Agricultural Resources Management by Title
Now showing items 179-198 of 199
Soil nutrients and crop yield response to conservation-effective management practices in the sub-humid highlands agro-ecologies of Kenya
(Heliyon, 2021)Crop productivity in most smallholder farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa experience low use of soil amendment resources, low and erratic rainfall, frequent dry spells, and droughts. Rain-fed agriculture has a high crop ... -
Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Fractions and Sugar Beet Sucrose Yield in Furrow-Irrigated Agroecosystems
(2015-03)Soil organic matter (SOM) fractions were determined using extraction-, incubation-, and density-based fractionation techniques on samples collected from a range of furrow-irrigated sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) ... -
Specific Energy Consumption of Onion Slices During Hot-air Convection, Infrared Radiation and Combined Infrared-Convection Drying
(AENSI Journals, 2014)Total energy requirement and specific energy consumption for drying of onion slices were evaluated using various drying methods including hot-air convection, infrared radiation and hot air convection-infrared combination ... -
A study of yield characteristics during mechanical oil extraction of preheated and ground soybeans
(2007)Abstract: Soybeans were extracted for oil by compressing a ground sample at various operating pressures, pressing durations and product bulk temperatures. The oil yield from the various operations was measured and expressed ... -
A study of yield characteristics during mechanical oil extraction of preheated and ground soybeans
(2007)Soybeans were extracted for oil by compressing a ground sample at various operating pressures, pressing durations and product bulk temperatures. The oil yield from the various operations was measured and expressed as a ... -
Suitability of different data sources in rainfall pattern characterization in the tropical central highlands of Kenya
(Heliyon, 2020-11)Uncertainty in rainfall pattern has put rain-fed agriculture in jeopardy, even for the regions considered high rainfall potential like the Central Highlands of Kenya (CHK). The rainfall pattern in the CHK is spatially and ... -
Suitability of Selected Supplemented Substrates for Cultivation of Kenyan Native Wood Ear Mushrooms (Auricularia auricula)
(Academic Journals, 2011)Different organic substrates namely maize cobs, wheat straw, grass straw and sugarcane bagasse supplemented with either wheat or rice bran were evaluated for production of two Kenyan native strains of wood ear mushroom ... -
Tea breaks: how flower visitors can benefit from unplanned floral buffer strips in a Tanzanian tea plantation
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2013) -
Tied-ridging and soil inputs enhance small-scale maize productivity and profitability under erratic rainfall conditions in central Kenya
(UoEM, 2023)Deficits in soil moisture and low soil fertility are the major constraints to smallholder farming systems in the SSA (sub-Saharan Africa) region. This study evaluated the effects of tied ridging and selected soil fertility ... -
Towards a national policy to support wastewater reuse in Kenya
(2011)Kenya is a water-scarce country with the capital city, Nairobi, receiving less than 100 l/capita/day. Potable water for irrigation and industrial use is generally unavailable, and this calls for alternative water sources. ... -
Tracking the Expression of Photosensitive Genic Male Sterility Gene in Rice
(2013-09)Photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile rice lines contain genes that induce complete male sterility in high temperature and long day light length period, but are male fertile under low temperature ... -
Tracking the expression of photosensitive genic male sterility genes in rice
(Academic Journals, 2013-11)Photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile rice lines contain genes that induce complete sterility in high temperature and long day light length period, and revert to fertility in optimum low temperature and short day light ... -
Trait matching of flower visitors and crops predicts fruit set better than trait diversity
(Wiley Online Library, 2015)Summary Understanding the relationships between trait diversity, species diversity and ecosystem functioning is essential for sustainable management. For functions comprising two trophic levels, trait matching between ... -
Treatment of flower farm wastewater effluents using constructed wetlands in lake Naivasha, Kenya
(2012-01)Lake Naivasha, Kenya, is a fresh water lake currently experiencing severe environmental problems as result of pollution from agricultural effluents and urban water surface runoff, uncontrolled water abstraction, improper ... -
Treatment of flower farm wastewater effluents using constructed wetlands in lake Naivasha, Kenya
(2012-01)Lake Naivasha, Kenya, is a fresh water lake currently experiencing severe environmental problems as result of pollution from agricultural effluents and urban water surface runoff, uncontrolled water abstraction, improper ... -
Using Apsim-Model as A Decision-Support-Tool for Long-Term Integrated-Nitrogen-Management and Maize productivity under Semi-Arid Conditions in Kenya
(Cambridge University Press, 2015-04)There is continued decline in per capita agricultural productivity in the drier parts of Kenya’s central highlands. The declines have been linked to low and declining soil fertility, soil water, high atmospheric heat, ... -
The Utility of Aerial Pan-Trapping for Assessing Insect Pollinators Across Vertical Strata
(2011)Insect pollinators provide a critical ecosystem service by pollinating many wild flowers and crops. It is therefore essential to be able to effectively survey and monitor pollinator communities across a range of habitats, ... -
Utilization of proteins and nucleic acids in the study of gene function: a comparative review
(2010)Proteomics is one of the fastest growing areas in areas of research, largely because the global-scale analysis of proteins is expected to yield more direct understanding of function and regulation than analysis of genes. ... -
Witchweed’s Suicidal Germination: Can Slenderleaf Help?
(MDPI, 2020-06)The parasitic plant Striga hermonthica (Delile) Benth. is stimulated to germinate by biomolecules (strigolactones) produced in the roots of host and some non-host plants. Non-hosts induce Striga’s suicidal germination ... -
Yield of three Commercial Watermelon Cultivars in Kenya as compared to a local landrace
(2010)High yield is a major goal for watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) breeders. The objective of this study was to measure the yield potential of some watermelon accessions available in Kenya and identify high yielding ones for ...