Browsing Articles: Department of Water and Agricultural Resources Management by Title
Now showing items 131-150 of 199
Performance of a convective, infrared and combined infraredconvective heated conveyor-belt dryer
(Association of Food Scientists & Technologists, 2015-05)A conveyor-belt dryer was developed using a combined infrared and hot air heating system that can be used in the drying of fruits and vegetables. The drying system having two chambers was fitted with infrared radiation ... -
Performance of a solar dryer with limited sun tracking capability
(Elsevier, 2006-05-31)A small solar dryer with limited sun tracking capabilities was designed and tested. The dryer had a mild steel absorber plate and a polyvinyl chloride (pvc) transparent cover and could be adjusted to track the sun in ... -
Performance of sweet potato varieties across environments in Kenya
(2012-09)Sweetpotato is an important food, feed and cash crop in Eastern Africa but its adoption as a dual purpose crop has not been exploited. Varieties giving high tuber and vine yields would be ideal for small scale farmers who ... -
Performance of Three Isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae and Their Virulence against Zeugodacus cucurbitae under Different Temperature Regimes, with Global Extrapolation of Their Efficiency
(MDPI, 2019-08)The performance of entomopathogenic fungi in pest control is usually a ected by both biotic and abiotic factors. This study aimed to determine the e ects of various temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30 C) on conidial ... -
Performance of vermicomposted wastes for tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.), production: A case study of Embu, Kenya
(2021-10)PurposeTo investigate the effect of vermicomposted kitchen, market and tea wastes on tomato growth and yield and assess the benefits and costs that arise. Method A field experiment arranged in the randomized complete ... -
Phosphorus availability and exchangeable aluminum response to phosphate rock and organic inputs in the Central Highlands of Kenya
(Heliyon, 2021)Soil acidity and phosphorus deficiency are some of the constraints hampering agricultural production in tropical regions. The prevalence of soil acidity is associated with phosphorus (P) insufficiency and aluminum ... -
Phosphorus availability and exchangeable aluminum response to phosphate rock and organic inputs in the Central Highlands of Kenya
(Heliyon, 2021-03)Soil acidity and phosphorus deficiency are some of the constraints hampering agricultural production in tropical regions. The prevalence of soil acidity is associated with phosphorus (P) insufficiency and aluminum ... -
Physical changes during coffee roasting in Rotary Conduction‐Type Heating Units
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2003-08-23)Coffee beans were roasted in a rotary conduction-type-heating unit under constant heating surface or product temperatures ranging from 200 to 240C or 170 to 210C, respectively. the roasting duration was varied from 0 to ... -
Physiological and Agronomic Performance of Domesticated and Wild Cotton Germplasm from Selected Regions of Kenya
(2017-05)making cooking oil, soup and seed cake for animal feed industry among other uses. Performance of wild cotton germplasm in Kenya has not been well studied and therefore there is need for understanding the correlation of ... -
Planting Pits’ Effects on Soil Nutrients in a Sorghum and Pigeon Pea Rotation in Semi-arid Areas of Eastern Kenya
(Science Domain International, 2016-12)Planting pits are rain water harvesting structures that trap water and nutrients in surface runoff and rain water falling directly into the pits. Planting pits have been promoted for improving crop yields without considering ... -
Pollination Ecology of Desmodium Setigerum (Fabaceae) in Uganda; Do Big Bees Do It Better?
(2016-08)Explosive pollen release is documented in many plant families, including the Fabaceae. Desmodium setigerum E. Mey (Fabaceae) is a perennial herb with single trip explosive pollen release found in eastern Africa, and the ... -
Populations of Biomphalaria spp. Snails Isolates in Kenya Show Variable Resistance to Schistosome Infection
(Trade Science Inc., 2018-10)Fresh water snails of genus Biomphlaria, Bulinus and Ocomelinia are important vectors for human schistosomiasis. Human contact patterns with water infested with cercaria are important factors in transmission of schistosomiasis ... -
The potential for second generation bio-ethanol production from agro-industrial waste in South Africa
(Academic Journals, 2013)There has been a sustained and growing interest in the production of liquid fuel from biomass in recent years. South Africa is a large producer of sugar, maize and wheat among other agricultural products that release big ... -
Potential of Bio-/Agro-Terrorism in Kenya
(2015-08)The growing Biotechnology and Bio-Engineering may have by commensurate measure contributed to bio-terrorism. This has led to stringent measures to deal with it especially, in developed economies like the ... -
Potential of deterministic and geostatistical rainfall interpolation under high rainfall variability and dry spells: case of Kenya’s Central Highlands
(Springer, 2015-03)Drier parts of Kenya’s Central Highlands endure persistent crop failure and declining agricultural productivity. These have, in part, attributed to high temperatures, prolonged dry spells and erratic rainfall. Understanding ... -
Potential of deterministic and geostatistical rainfall interpolation under high rainfall variability and dry spells: case of Kenya’s Central Highlands
(Springer Vienna, 2015-03)Drier parts of Kenya’s Central Highlands endure persistent crop failure and declining agricultural productivity. These have, in part, attributed to high temperatures, prolonged dry spells and erratic rainfall. Understanding ... -
Potential of nightsky nocturnal radiative cooling as a fresh produce preservation method
(2007-07-30)Abstract: The change in water temperature in horizontally placed pans exposed to the night-sky radiation was monitored at night between the hours of 8:00pm and 6:00am. The effect of varying the quantity of water in the pan ... -
The Potential of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources in Sub-Saharan African Crop Farming Systems
(2012-02)he Potential of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources in Sub-Saharan African Crop Farming System -
Potential side effects of biocontrol and plant-growth promoting Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacteria on earthworms
(Elsevier, 2015-08)Many bacteria strains are now successfully used for plant-growth promotion (PGPR) and as biocontrol agents (BCA) against plant diseases. Mechanisms behind their action involve production of enzymes and antibiotics, which ... -
Predicting decomposition patterns of tree biomass in tropical highland microregions of Kenya
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997)Decomposition- and nitrogen-release patterns of biomass from three agroforestry multipurpose trees (Calliandra calothyrsus, Cordia africana and Grevillea robusta) were investigated in four contrasting environments ...