Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Prokaryotic diversity and potentially pathogenic bacteria in vended foods and environmental samples
(BMC, 2021-07)
Purpose: Ready-to-eat fast food vending outlets provide a cheap and readily available food. Foodborne diseases
have been previously reported in Embu, Kenya, but data on the prokaryotic metagenome in vended foods is
scanty. ...
Incidence of Brucella infection in various livestock species raised under the pastoral production system in Isiolo County, Kenya
(BMC, 2021-10)
Background: We implemented a longitudinal study to determine the incidence of Brucella infection in cattle, camels,
sheep and goats that were being raised in a pastoral area in Isiolo County, Kenya. An initial cross-sectional ...
Geomorphic and Climatic Drivers Are Key Determinants of Structural Variability of Mangrove Forests along the Kenyan Coast
(MDPI, 2022-06)
Mangrove forests occur across a diversity of coastal landforms that influence their structural
development and productivity. Preliminary studies in Kenya indicate that mangroves growing in the
region north and south of ...
Do afroalpine plants differ from other alpine plants by their leaf functional traits?
(UoEm, 2023-06-16)
Afroalpine plants develop under specific climate with great daily fluctuations and
weak seasonal dynamics of temperature. Do leaf functional traits of the plants
in Mt. Kenya differ from those of temperate plants in ...