Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Biomass and productivity of seagrasses in Africa 

      Githaiga, Michael N.; Gilpin, Linda; Kairo, James G.; Huxham, Mark (De Gruyter, 2016-05)
      : There is growing interest in carbon stocks and flows in seagrass ecosystems, but recent global reviews suggest a paucity of studies from Africa. This paper reviews work on seagrass productivity, biomass and sediment ...
    • The Contribution of Subtidal Seagrass Meadows to the Total Carbon Stocks of Gazi Bay, Kenya 

      Wang’ondu, Virginia W.; Githaiga, Michael N.; Gorman, Daniel; Kairo, James G.; Omollo, Derrick J. (Diversity, 2022-08-11)
      Seagrass beds occur globally in both intertidal and subtidal zones within shallow marine environments, such as bays and estuaries. These important ecosystems support fisheries production, attenuate strong wave energies, ...
    • Seagrass Removal Leads to Rapid Changes in Fauna and Loss of Carbon 

      Githaiga, Michael N.; Frouws, Anna M.; Kairo, James G.; Huxham, Mark (Frontiers, 2019-03)
      Seagrass habitats are important natural carbon sinks, with an average of ∼14 kg C m−2 buried in their sediments. The fate of this carbon following seagrass removal or damage has major environmental implications but is ...
    • Value chain and sustainability of mangrove wood harvesting in Lamu, Kenya 

      Riungu, Purity M.; Nyaga, Justine M.; Githaiga, Michael N.; Kairo, James G. (Elsevier, 2022-08)
      Mangrove forests provide harvestable wood and non-wood resources to human society globally. The current study evaluated value chain of mangrove wood products from Lamu, Kenya, and how these impacts on resources’ sustainability. ...
    • Variation in Seagrass Carbon Stocks Between Tropical Estuarine and Marine Mangrove-Fringed Creeks 

      Juma, Gabriel A.; Magana, Adiel M.; Githaiga, Michael N.; Kairo, James G. (Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020-08)
      Seagrass and associated blue carbon ecosystems are important carbon sinks, and hence understanding their spatial and temporal variability is vital in appreciating their potential roles in climate change mitigation and ...