Browsing Articles: Department of Biological Sciences by Title
Now showing items 264-283 of 284
STIP1/HOP Regulates the Actin Cytoskeleton through Interactions with Actin and Changes in Actin-Binding Proteins Cofilin and Profilin
(MDPI, 2020-04)Cell migration plays a vital role in both health and disease. It is driven by reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, which is regulated by actin-binding proteins cofilin and profilin. Stress-inducible phosphoprotein ... -
A survey of root knot nematodes and resistance to Meloidogyne incognita in sweet potato varieties from Kenyan fields
(Elsevier, 2016-11)The root knot nematode, Meloidogyne is one of the most economically damaging plant parasitic nematode groups, and are widely distributed in Kenyan agro-ecosystems. The aim of this study was to determine the diversity of ... -
Survey of sweet potato viruses in Western Kenya and detection of cucumber mosaic virus.
(2010)Sweet potato is an important food crop worldwide, but several pests and diseases limit its production. In eastern Africa, virus-induced diseases rank second to weevils in causing yield reduction. Symptomatic sweet potato ... -
Temporal changes in phytoplankton structure and composition at the Turkwel Gorge Reservoir, Kenya
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998)Temporal changes in phytoplankton chlorophyll a, composition, diversity, biomass (density and fresh weight) and primary production were investigated at the Turkwel Gorge Reservoir (Kenya) over a two year period (1994 and ... -
Temporal genetic structuring of a specialist parasitoid, Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) attacking a specialist aphid on tansy
(2010-11)In insect species characterized by inbreeding, limited dispersal, and a metapopulation structure, high genetic differentiation and reduced genetic diversity within local populations are expected. Using the model ... -
Temporal genetic structuring of a specialist parasitoid, Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) attacking a specialist aphid on tansy
(The Linnean Society of London, 2011)In insect species characterized by inbreeding, limited dispersal, and a metapopulation structure, high genetic differentiation and reduced genetic diversity within local populations are expected. Using the model ... -
Temporal variation in physico-chemical characteristics, phytoplankton composition and biomass in Lake Solai, Kenya
(2019-10-20)The physico-chemical properties and phytoplankton community structure of Lake Solai were investigated between April 2018 and August 2018. Water temperature, conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO) content and pH were ... -
Thermotolerant bacteria of biotechnological potential from hot springs in Eritrea
(2018-06)Thermophiles are excellent sources of enzymes that can withstand and carry out reactions efficiently under high temperatures. This study isolated and characterised thermotolerant bacteria that produce enzymes of potential ... -
Toxic cyanobacteria and their toxins in standing waters of Kenya: implications for water resource use
(2006-06)Phytoplankton biodiversity studies in Kenya's standing waters were carried out between 2001 and 2003. Toxin producing cyanobacteria were recorded in twelve water bodies. Microcystis and Anabaena were the most common species ... -
Trophic interactions among soil arthropods in contrasting land-use systems in Kenya, studied with stable isotopes
(Elsevier, 2017-04)Understanding how land use intensification changes organism communities and trophic interactions in soil is important for development of sustainable agriculture and forestry. We analysed the food web of soil arthropods ... -
Uncovering disease determinants of Covid-19 through analysis of its molecular evolution
(African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2020-07)Covid-19 was first reported in Wuhan China but has now spread globally with overwhelming impacts on human health and health systems. The disease is caused by the SARs-Cov-2 which is related to the SARs-Cov-1 that causes ... -
Uncovering disease determinants of Covid-19 through analysis of its molecular evolution
(2020-07)Covid-19 was first reported in Wuhan China but has now spread globally with overwhelming impacts on human health and health systems. The disease is caused by the SARs-Cov-2 which is related to the SARs-Cov-1 that causes ... -
Uncovering the tracks of a recent and rapid invasion: the case of the fruit fly pest Bactrocera invadens in Africa.
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2009-09-10)Phytophagous insects of the genus Bactrocera are among the most economically important invasive fruit fly pests. In 2003, an unknown Bactrocera species was found in Kenya. First identified as an ‘aberrant form’ of the ... -
Urinary Schistosomiasis in two family populations, using school children as tracers
(1988)Two groups of families designated A and B were studied for Schistosoma haematobium infection in Amagunze, Anambra State, Nigeria. The groups were selected on the basis of a preliminary screening of schoolchildren: group A ... -
Urinary soluble egg antigen levels in Schistosoma haematobium infection in relation to sex and age of Kenyan schoolchildren following praziquantel treatment
(2009-08)Schistosoma haematobium soluble egg antigen (SEA) secreted in urine can be assayed to determine egg tissue load and hence morbidity in infected individuals. A cohort of 158 infected children aged 4-18 years was followed-up ... -
Use of human nails as bio-indicators of heavy metals environmental exposure among school age children in Kenya
(2008-04)Metal pollution and its health effects present a challenge currently facing the developing countries. Metal poisoning is usually difficult and expensive to assess or screen in these countries due to limited resources, ... -
Value chain and sustainability of mangrove wood harvesting in Lamu, Kenya
(Elsevier, 2022-08)Mangrove forests provide harvestable wood and non-wood resources to human society globally. The current study evaluated value chain of mangrove wood products from Lamu, Kenya, and how these impacts on resources’ sustainability. ... -
Variation and Association of Cup Quality Attributes and Resistance to Coffee Berry Disease in Coffea Arabica L. Composite Cultivar, Ruiru 11
(2013-12)Majority of reported work on coffee breeding primarily concerns agronomic improvement that directly impinges on coffee quality. However, it is crucial that coffee breeding programmes for disease resistance also include ... -
Variation in Seagrass Carbon Stocks Between Tropical Estuarine and Marine Mangrove-Fringed Creeks
(Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020-08)Seagrass and associated blue carbon ecosystems are important carbon sinks, and hence understanding their spatial and temporal variability is vital in appreciating their potential roles in climate change mitigation and ... -
Vertical Distribution of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Sweet Potato
(Sciendo., 2022)Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) are harmful pests that have become a severe threat to crop production worldwide. Diversity of PPN at horizontal and spatial scales influence the effectiveness of control strategies. This ...