Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Spatial Analysis and Mapping of Infant Mortality in Kenya On The Basis Of Demographic and Health Survey Data
(University of Nairobi, 2010)
This study set out to examine and map the spatial variation of infant mortality in Kenya. We used data from Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) database to explore spatial variation. Generalized linear mixed inodel(GLMM) ...
Crame´R-Rao Bound of Direction Finding using Uniform Circular Array And 2-Circle Concentric Uniform Array
(university of Embu, 2019-09)
Source direction-of-arrival estimation problem has received much attention in recent years
following its significant role in array-signal processing and wide range of applications such
as radar, wireless communication, ...
Socio-economic determinants of low birth weight in Kenya: Logistic regression analysis
(University of Nairobi, 2010)
Babies born with Low-birth weight are at increased risk for serious health problems which are
accompanied by disabilities and even death. Hence this study aims to determine socioeconomic
factors that lead to low birth ...
Cramér-Rao Bound of Direction-Finding using uniform Hexagonal Array
(University of Embu, 2019-09)
Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is an important branch in the field of array signal processing. It can be applied in such fields as wireless communication, sonar, radar, biomedicine, and radio detection. This fact ...
An Investigation of the Latent Semantic Analysis Technique for Document Retrieval
Latent semantic analysis (LSA) application in information retrieval promises to offer
better performance by overcoming some limitations that plagues traditional termmatching
techniques. These term-matching techniques ...
Connecting People using Latent Semantic Analysis for Knowledge Sharing
A shift from technology-oriented knowledge management to people-oriented knowledge
management is indispensable. To achieve this, organizations must understand the nature
of knowledge. In this work, knowledge has been ...