Now showing items 6-7 of 7

    • The Role of Seagrass Meadows in Gazi Bay, Kenya as Carbon Sinks 

      Githaiga, Michael N. (Edinburgh Napier University, 2017-04)
      Ongoing work on the ‘blue carbon’ has established that vegetated coastal ecosystems – mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes – are exceptionally powerful natural carbon sinks. Hence, there are important applied arguments ...
    • Studies on Potassium requirements for maize in Nyamira County, Kenya 

      Muthengia, Jackson M.; Kenyanya, Omanga (2015-03)
      In Kenya, Maize is a key cereal crop and a major staple food in most Kenyan families. Most maize farmers mainly apply nitrogenious and phosphorous fertilizers to improve on maize yields in the country and Nyamira county ...