Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Influence of access to land and finances on Kenyan youth participation in agriculture: a review
(European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, 2014-09)
The Kenya Government prioritized the development of the agricultural sector to
achieving the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of sustainable food production. Kenya’s strategic plan, Vision 2030 positions agriculture ...
Influence of Kenyan Youth’s Perception towards Agriculture and Necessary Interventions; a Review
(Science Domain, 2015)
Approximately 64% of unemployed persons in Kenya are youth, most of which live in rural areas
and lacks formal education and vocational or professional skills. In spite of this, youth participation
in agriculture has ...
Influence of Access to Land and Finances on Kenyan Youth Participation in Agriculture: A Review
(European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, 2014-09)
The Kenya Government prioritized the development of the agricultural sector to
achieving the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of sustainable food production. Kenya’s
strategic plan, Vision 2030 positions ...