Socioeconomic Impact of Establishment of University of Embu on Small Scale Farmers in Nthambo Sub-Location, Kenya
The University of Embu is one of the fast developing and recently chartered University in Kenya. It is
located in Nthambo sub-location, which is an agricultural potential area. Universities establishment have
considerable influence on the activities of community that stays around it. Despite the fact that several
studies have been conducted on the socioeconomic impact of establishment of different Universities to
the community they reside in, a research on the socioeconomic impact of establishment of University of
Embu on small scale farmers in their agricultural activities have never been done. Given that the
University of Embu has been established on the agricultural potential area, this study sought to investigate
the impact of the establishment of University of Embu on agricultural resources and productivity,
describe the community diversity and living standards of the community. Methodology used in this
research was descriptive survey design and stratified random sampling technique obtaining a sample of
100 households which was proportionate to the population. Using SPSS software for cross-tabulation, the
results indicated that: the rate of both livestock and crop production have been declining with supporting
evidence of (60.2%) and (66%) of the households respectively, the community was diverse (87.2%) with
majority being university students (68.1%), most of the small scale farmers had access to electricity connection (78.1%), even though farming activity remains main economic activity of community within
the area, it has been declining from (95.3%) to (53.2%), business activities have increased from (3.5%) to
(41.5%), most of the households (54.3%) have constructed rental houses majorly to earn more money
(70.2%). The researchers recommend that Embu County government should adopt a policy such that the
communities surrounding University of Embu must develop, implement and enforce mechanisms for
effective preservation of productive agricultural land (i.e. Urban growth boundaries, purchase of
development rights, exclusive agricultural zoning among others).