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dc.contributor.authorBudambula, Nancy
dc.contributor.authorMwangi, Irene Wambui
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the Third Publishing Workshop for M.A, Msc, Mba, M.Ed. and Ph.D. Students Dec.2017en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Third Postgraduate Publishing Workshop was held on 19th December 2017 in the Computer Laboratory at the University of Embu. The workshop aimed to equip postgraduate students with the skills required for thesis writing and publishing to enable them to complete their work and graduate on time. The workshop brought together 82 participants comprising senior university management, member of Senate and postgraduate students from the Schools of Agriculture, Pure and Applied Sciences, Business and Economics as well as Education and Social Sciences. The workshop covered the fundamentals of publishing, online publishing, plagiarism, referencing tools and additional E-resources. In his opening remarks, Prof Daniel Mugendi Njiru, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Embu noted that publishing was one of the key avenues of disseminating research findings. He reminded the postgraduate students that at UoEm it is a requirement for Master’s students to publish one paper and PhD students to publish two papers. The Vice-Chancellor further observed that there is need to improve the research output in the social sciences. He called upon the students to attend the workshops organised for them so that they learn how to write, use E-resources and cite the latest literature. During this workshop the importance of a writing plan and a good study design was emphasised. The students were encouraged to write good quality papers that can be published free of charge by leading publishers. The Third Postgraduate Publishing Workshop facilitated by; Mr James Njue the University Librarian, Ms Victoria Nyaga the Deputy Librarian and Prof. Nancy Budambula the Director Board of Postgraduate Studies.en_US
dc.publisherBoard of Postgraduate Studies University of Embuen_US
dc.titleProceedings of the Third Publishing Workshop for MSc, MBA, M.Ed. students and Ph.D. Studentsen_US

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  • Workshops [12]
    Embu University College Workshops

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